Chapter Twenty-Eight: Some Things Have To Change

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January 22, 2019

13:22 pm (1:22 pm)

Leaning against my locker, I was contemplating whether I should go outside for a smoke or not. Gijs and Micah were here talking about something or other. But I couldn't focus on them, I could see Liv in the distance talking to Isa and one of the other girls she was always around. I knew she was probably mad at me. And I couldn't very well tell her that I went off the rails because my stupid psychotic brother messaged me a few days ago. I'd sound mental, and she'd probably be even angrier with me.

But what was I supposed to say?

I was mad. For a moment there I actually thought my brother was right, that I wasn't rebelling against the system at all...I was just going along with everything. That it felt good to fuck the rules and fuck the norms.

I couldn't stop looking at her though. At how unreal she was, how she stood there so beautifully in her matching dark outfit of blacks and dark greens.

I wanted to talk to her...but I wouldn't know to say.

I sighed and shook it off.

"What's wrong with you lately?" Gijs questioned. Micah followed my troubled gaze, and an understanding nod followed "ah, girl trouble"

"Girl trouble? Still? Over that Liv girl" Gijs annoyingly questioned. Though Micah answered before I could "jeez, you're dense"

"What? Why?" Gijs asked

"Have you just not been paying attention? Do you think he's been talking about any other girl? Fuck, man, I have to leave. Before this idiot's stupidity starts rubbing off" Micah smirked, patting me on the shoulder and heading down the hall.


I didn't move, Gijs was still talking.

But Liv was moving. She was heading this way actually. I could feel my heart bashing within my chest, fuck.


What was she doing?

What did she want?

What was I going to say?

Stay calm.

Stay cool.

Before I could even say 'hello', she grabbed my arm "we have to talk" and she dragged me outside.

Well then.

Only once we reached the cold outside air, did she finally let go of my arm. I kept my eyes fixed on her, waiting for her to say something...anything really.

Liv & NoahTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon