Chapter Fifteen: Conflicted Minds

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January 16, 2019

11:36 am

Gijs was sloppily stuffing his face with BBQ pork and noodles, while Micah was respectively eating a slice of pepperoni pizza. I somehow didn't feel so hungry watching Gijs smear pizza sauce all over his face. He seemed upset about something, and Micah decided to ask about it first.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man?" Micah grinned as he pointed at the mess Gijs was creating. He stopped mid-chew, looking down at himself, slapping his slice down on his plate as he looked back up at both of us.

"I don't get it. I lost my girl, and that's fine, I didn't really mind. But she won't even look at me!" He pouted

"What are you whining about?" I groaned

"Isa! She won't talk to me, she won't look at me. We're both single. I know it! She definitely knows that Anna and I are over. I know her and that guy broke up, what's she waiting for?" He cried on

"Maybe she thought you were a shit kisser" Micah laughed

"Yeah, or maybe she just doesn't like you" I answered honestly, hoping this would end his whining sooner. But it didn't, this only made things worse. He turned in my direction, "you're one to talk, Mr. I'm In Love With That Liv Girl"

"Fuck up, Gijs" I spoke a lot dryer than I meant to

"Wait!" His light blue eyes widened, "Liv knows Isa..."

"No" I said before he could get any more bright ideas.

"What do you mean 'no'? They're best friends, you already talk to Liv... you could tell her to tell Isa I'm a great guy, and BOOM I'm in" he smiled as if he'd just thought of the most ingenious plan. My eyebrows naturally furrowed at his foolish notion. I could barely get Liv to hang around me, let alone somehow convince her to get Isa to talk to him. His convoluted plan had no chance, and I wasn't going to risk my ever growing progress with Liv for his shit.

"Its still going to be a no, bro," I said

"Awe c'mon, what do I have to do?" Gijs begged

"How about talking to her yourself? Maybe get her flowers? Find out what she likes? Jeez, how'd you get Anna in the first place" Micah spoke to Gijs like he was an idiot.

It was amusing.

I barely cracked a smile, when I noticed Liv and her friends walking into the cafeteria. She wasn't hard to spot, somehow she always seemed to look perfect. Like she wasn't even trying to...but she just did.

And as Micah and Gijs' conversation faded into the background, my eyes seemed completely fixed on her. It somehow didn't seem fair that it took me so many months to notice such a beautiful girl in my midst.

I quickly slipped out my phone, there'd be no harm in reminding her about us meeting up today after school.


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