Chapter Fifty-Three: Leave Me Alone

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February 16th, 2019

10:32 am

I didn't sleep last night.

I couldn't.

I drove Liv home last night, used her key and carried her to bed.

And as I lay here in bed with her cradled in my arms, I couldn't help but worry about her.

I kept checking if she was breathing.

Making sure she was all right.

She woke up a couple of times, breathing sporadically...only calming down when she saw that I was there. Drifting off, back into her painful slumber. I could only imagine what she was dreaming about...I could certainly imagine that they were probably more nightmares than dreams.


Maybe I should've taken her to the hospital, I have no idea what that cunt gave her.

I don't know...I panicked.

I just wanted to get her as far away from him as possible.

I felt so fucking guilty.

The very same day I gave her a key to my house, and my fucked up sibling decides to come back.

And I keep thinking, I should've known better.

I should've been there.

I should've stopped him sooner.

I should've saved her.

And maybe if I had texted her earlier that day I could've found out about everything a whole lot sooner.

I never thought...that he could do something like this.

I knew he wasn't 'okay', he never was. I knew he was capable of some dark shit, I knew he had no remorse.

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