Chapter Three: On The Edge

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December 28th, Christmas came and went. I called my parents, but they didn't visit this year. I just spent it with Andries and Mila. But with Christmas gone...New Year's was quickly approaching. I was already halfway through my winter vacation, and I still didn't have the gall to open that note. It had become this whole big thing...this crumpled piece of paper that stayed dormant on my nightstand. And every morning I'd gaze longingly at it...knowing I didn't have the nerve to touch it. And every night...well...the same thing.

It was 20:16 pm (8:16 pm) on a Friday night...and nothing was happening. No parties, no meetups...and I desperately needed something to do, other than obsessively looking at that note. I had my sketchbook on my lap as I sat in bed wondering what to sketch. Some days, the idea just comes to me...pops in my head and I sketch it. But other days...I stare blankly at the smooth plain paper not having a clue what to draw.


I heard my phone, I knew it was somewhere on my bed, probably hiding beneath the thick red and black floral comforter. I looked around and underneath the folds, and finally, my phone slipped out. It was the group chat. Yes! Something to take my mind off things.

I opened the chat to see...


Isa: What are we doing tonight?

Janna: What do you mean? You have something planned? A party you didn't tell us about? 😱

Imaan: What Party?! No one told me!😭😭😭

Isa: No no! No party, I was only asking. I'm bored, it's Friday. There must be some sort of party happening.😝

Janna: ohhhh, well I don't know of any tonight

Imaan: That's a shame, I really miss you guys. I would've loved for us to all get together😍😍

Janna: Well well, hold on. I do know of a party coming up

Isa: What Party?!

Janna: The biggest New Year's party ever! 😎😎

Janna: The rumours are already going around, it's going to be legendary!😍 And I'm sure you know how's hosting it

Isa: Dare I ask?

Imaan: If it's who I think it is, idk if we should go

Engel: Wait! There's a party tonight!

Janna: Engel, read the other messages

Engel: ...

Engel: Ohhh ahaha, a New Year's party 😄😄😄


So clearly I missed a lot, and after reading everything I decided to ask the one question we all wanted an answer to.


Me: Who's house is the party going to be at?

Janna: Ayee look who finally joined us 😘😘

Imaan: My beautiful girl, how have you been! 😍😍

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