Chapter Two: Simultaneously

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"You're actually not so bad"

What if she doesn't know who those words were meant for? Maybe I didn't make it clear enough? But...I was looking right at her...she looked amazing. Ah, shit, maybe it was too obvious...maybe a bit too on the nose? I'm fucking over analyzing now. The main thing here is...she took my note. She took it. I wasn't exactly sure why, but she did. And just knowing that...brought a faint smirk to my lips. It wasn't anything definitive...but the fact that she took the note is reason enough to think she's interested. No...I know she's interested. Every time I look at her, she always seems to be looking right back.

It probably wasn't healthy...the amount of time I spent thinking about her. She was just so beautiful, how had I not noticed her before?

I took the long way home after the winter party, slowly arriving at my sizable house. I glanced down at my phone, gazing at the large luminous digits as they slowly flipped from 23:59 to 0:00. Midnight. Great. I slowly turned the key and entered. Somehow, only a moment ago...I felt so different...warmer...just thinking about a girl that probably didn't think all that much about me. But step inside my own home, and it's frigid. Hollow. There's no need for me to be quiet or sneak to inside. It's only's usually...just me.

Hmm, maybe I should've brought someone home tonight. Would've given me the excuse to at least bother with the lights or turn up the heat. But, whatever. I kicked off my boots and headed upstairs. Peeling off my jacket and my hat, tossing them on my bed as I entered my room. I grabbed my sketchbook and my favourite lead pencil off my desk, and just as I was about to sit on my bed...I felt my phone vibrate. I could feel myself tensing up because I had a feeling who it was. And I didn't want to talk to him. I only wanted to sketch, maybe think about girls some more...okay...think about one girl. But was that too much to ask for?

I reluctantly slipped my phone out of my pocket, and the screen gleamed with a message from the very person I loathed most. My older brother. Calder. Fuck.

I felt my eyebrows furrowing uncontrollably, and I took that as a sign to toss my phone across the bed. There it was again...that feeling...stressing over things that couldn't be helped. I was mad...furious even...and I hadn't even read his message. I started pacing around my room for what felt like an eternity. I wanted to relax first, I couldn't sketch properly when I was this angry. I took some deep breaths. I didn't need to look at that text, I could pretty well guess what he said. He wants to come home for New Years. I just know it.

And I didn't want that, I wouldn't be able to stand it. I didn't want to be alone...not with him.

I don't care...I don't I'm lying...I don't want to care, but it's hard not to. Shit...feel better...feel better...feel better! It always seems to amaze me. How no matter how times you can tell yourself...scream to try and feel differently, you never really do.

A heavy sigh escaped me.

Slowly walking over to my record player, I decided it was best to listen to some music instead. I was far too aggravated to reach for my phone, and vinyl always sounded better when I was in a heightened state of emotion. See it was a hobby of mine to collect records, I really enjoyed how classic they peaceful they seemed.

There was this song...this perfectly slow calming song by Richard Hawley, 'Tonight The Streets Are Ours'. It took me three years just to find the record, but I'm glad I did. The slow yet well-paced rhythm seemed to clear my mind rather instantaneously, and his voice sounded like this nostalgic time passed long ago. Even though the song itself isn't that old.

I ran my fingers through my hair, it was getting pretty long and I kind of like it that way. Glancing down at my chipped nail polish, maybe it was time to paint them again.

Again I sighed heavily, as I sat back on my large king sized bed. Laying back, I reached for my sketchbook and flipped back a few pages. This song seemed to call her back to my mind. He seemed to be singing my exact feelings about her...

'And no one else can haunt me

The way that you can haunt me

I need to know you want me'

Flipping through the pages of my sketchbook, I finally landed on my desired page. My best work in years, maybe that's because I actually gave a shit about it. While it was by no means as perfect as the real thing, I quite liked that I could look at her face anytime I needed to. Liv. Where had you been hiding all my life?

I never would've thought that fucking that chatty Engel would lead me to such interesting circumstances. A beautiful girl who could care less about my feelings, amazingly ruthless and clearly intelligent. How was I supposed to think properly? On some sort of level, I kind of wished she'd just fall for me like the girls, make it easy, then I could have her here with me. But no...I'd never appreciate that. The easy ones were never as interesting, Liv is different. She likes art, she draws and apparently, she sings too...she's too good to fall for all of my usual bullshit. She's perceptive, she seems to know exactly what I'm thinking...and so my mind wanders back to same the thought as before. Did she open the note yet?

She kept it, I saw her. And I know that she's at the very least interested enough to want to know what's inside. It's exhausting, laying here not knowing...wondering...wishing...imagining. I glanced over at my digital wall clock, 1:25 am.

I wasn't the least bit tired, maybe I should message Micah for something fun to do. Or text Gijs about Liv or maybe my pending issue with...Calder. Maybe not. Micah probably went to bed by now...and Gijs, he's a good friend but he wouldn't understand...not really. Fuck, I feel so indecisive these days. I have all this pent-up energy and nothing to do with it, no one to help me release it. Against my better judgement, I put down my sketchbook and reached over for my phone. I ignored my brother's notification and went straight to the other messages. Scrolling through the list of messages I've received from girls in the last couple of days. I could text any one of them, and they'd definitely come running. Eagerly begging just to be around me. Even if it was just to watch me paint or play the piano.

But none those names seemed to scratch the itch. They all paled in comparison to a girl I've only really spoken to twice...and one of those was less a conversation and more her sexily putting me in my place.

Well shit, this was going to be a long night.

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Toni Rosaline/Death-Of-AStar:

Hey readers! So I thought I'd start this fanfic off with both Liv and Noah's POV. Continuing right from the events of the season finale, while also starting to dive into their own personal lives a little. Maybe I'll do an every other POV change for each chapter, one Liv chapter and then one Noah chapter and so on. Or maybe it'll be mostly Liv's POV and have some Noah POV moments sprinkled in. Let me know.

Again, any feedback would be amazing! Also, any and all help would be nice. Any amazing ideas would be so helpful! I'm not just making this for me, I'm doing this for anyone in the fandom who cares to read it...and desperately needs some Liv/Noah content in their lives.

Thank you guys so much for reading! And I'm excited to keep going!

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