Chapter Eighteen: Musically Intertwined

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January 16, 2019

21:16 pm (9:16 pm)

"Do you think he's seeing someone else?" Isa asked, biting into a chicken leg. Andries brought take-out home from work, he very obviously wasn't about to do any sort of cooking in this house.

"Kes?" I double checked, even though I very well knew that's who she was referring to. She nodded, washing down her food with some beer. Isa planned on staying the night, mainly because she needed to talk to someone about her feelings and staying home alone wasn't helping her. I didn't mind, having a sleepover would be fun. Plus I'd have an extra pair of ears to help me analyze Noah's music.

"Well, you both said you'd tell each other if you started seeing someone else, right? You can trust him to tell you, no?" I replied taking a bite of my salad. She shrugged and nodded along, reaching for a fry "so, let's start your music thing. I'm here to help" she smiled adorably.

Wiping my hands, I reached for the list and my laptop. First up, was 'Roy Orbison - In Dreams'

We sat and ate as we listened to the entire song. It sounded like something a pretentious hipster would listen to...edging on the aesthetic of Elvis Prestley. It just seemed...a lot more macabre. And maybe I didn't think of Elvis in that way, the kind of man to write a sad song. But...I'd never heard this Roy Orbison song before. A song about being in love with a person you couldn't actually be with.

'In dreams, I walk with you, in dreams I talk to you

In dreams you're mine, all of the time

We're together in dreams, in dreams'

Where only in his dreams was he able to talk to them and walk with them. It was slightly reminding of that depressingly sad poem Noah gave me a while back.

What was his obsession with sadness?

Or...maybe he wasn't obsessed...maybe he was just...sad.

Once the song ended, Isa looked over to me, slightly furrowed eyebrows "well that was depressing. It doesn't sound like he gets his love by the end"

"Yeah, I know, right? He only gets to be with them in his dreams" I said slowly, thinking aloud. Isa began laughing a little "sort of like me and Jason Momoa"

"I think that's how everyone feels about Jason Momoa" I smiled. I wrote down my initial thoughts on the song on a fresh page in my notebook, before checking off the song. Next was 'Neon Indian - Polish Girl'. The title of the song already had me picturing Noah, mainly just his chipped nail polish.

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