Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Questions That Spiral

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January 22, 2019

16:36 pm (4:36 pm)

The loud rumbles of numerous conversations and whispers that erupted from the 300+ students involved in the Gregorius Show filled the auditorium after school. Once again I sat alone, not daring to sit near my aforementioned partner.

Who, now that I think about it...wasn't even here.

He was the most likely suspect in this caper, and yet he wasn't here.

In fact, most of the faculty involved weren't either, it was just Mr. Achter and Ms. Visser standing up there on the stage. Mr. Achter casually walked over and grabbed the mic, "Okay! Okay, guys! So this is actually going to be really quick, as one of our senior students and members of the showcase has volunteered a rather great solution, a fundraiser he's holding Friday. That he assured us he'd fill you all in on the details with a massive group text or something. We the faculty have talked it over, and we're going to be taking the responsibility. As a whole collective, so that this situation stays contained and small. And isn't made into a massive deal, by having the police involved. So the funds you're raising is a sum total of $5,150. He assured us that you'd all be able to do it. So we're leaving it in your hands"

"And that's really it. So everyone is dismissed" Ms. Visser concluded. I rolled my eyes at their attempts to keep this mystery student under wraps. The one senior student who wasn't around conveniently has an idea on how to fix things.

It's Noah.

Had to be.




20:24 pm (8:24 pm)

I was sitting at my kitchen table, a plate with a variety of avocado and cucumber sushi in front of me. My chopsticks in hand, phone laying next to my arm. As I stared off into the distance wondering about Noah. About when he'd text me with the information and when he'd explain why he did what he did.

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