Chapter Twenty-One: A Wonderous Night

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January 18, 2019

00:12 am (12:12 am)

Noah handed me my cup of Chai tea, closing and locking the door on our way out. "The music room is the last door on your right" he mentioned, so I headed there. On our way down the hallway, he cleared his throat "so you're uh...not going to ask about that room? What you saw in there?"

"Nope" I replied nonchalantly

"What? Why?" he seemed actually confused

"Because that's your personal business. You have the right to keep things to yourself. You can tell me if you want to, but it doesn't seem right for me ask about it" I said sipping my hot tea. While I liked cold cocoa, tea was just a lot better to me hot. I could see him thoughtfully nodding from the corner of my eye.

"I'm pretty sure Engel or any other girl would've asked," he said softly

"Yeah, well I'm not like other girls" I lightly smiled.

Once we arrived at the room, I was mesmerized. It was like a music haven. Like the music room at school, with every instrument, you could possibly need. There was no way he played everything here. I looked over to a very proud looking Noah, my face of shock and otherwise complete awe, tuned Noah in to say "my dad, he's a music producer. He likes to make sure he has most instruments at his disposal"

"What the fuck, that's both so cool and so unfair," I said aloud without even thinking, "so like, does he work with musicians here? And that's why he has these prime quality instruments ready to record and stuff?" I was actually curious.

"Umm...yeah, he used to. The recording 'studio' is the door across the hall"

"Used to?" I questioned, that sounded awfully past tense.

"Yeah, umm...he doesn't live here anymore. He's got a couple bases, one in L.A., one in London, one in Paris, and where he usually resides these days, in Basel" he replied in a somewhat low tone, he sounded sort of cold about it. Like maybe he didn't get along all too well with his father.

"Basel, Switzerland? Ugh, I've always wanted to go. I hear it's beautiful" I spoke dreamily

"I could take you" he smirked

"Nice try, Casanova" I smiled. Placing my mug on the window sill, I stepped towards one his acoustic guitars. I picked up a classic looking sleek black one, it was a I always wanted one. Noah casually sat on the piano seat, a smirk starting to appear "ouu are you going to play for me?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided what song. Maybe you can suggest one. One of your favourite songs you use to seduce girls when you bring them up here" I replied playfully. He smiled, sipping his tea "who says I ever let them see this room, maybe you're the first"

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