Chapter Eight: To Sing Or Not To Sing

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January 11th, 2019

11:25 am

"The Gregorius what?" Janna sat there on the window sill in the fourth staircase, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I sighed, taking a sip from my water bottle, "the Gregorius Show. I admit the name's not very inventive, but it's not that hard."

"Inventive? It's shit. Who thought of that? Like, could you imagine...if I had a gig and I called it 'The Janna Show'" she grinned cheesily as she motioned her hands in the air as if that title was up in lights or something. I almost spit out my water, cause it sounded so stupid.

It was our lunch break, and me, Janna and Engel were waiting for Isa and Imaan to join us.

"Okay, that's shit. But it's not like simple names don't bring in any crowds. I mean Jimi Hendrix's biggest album was called 'The Jimi Hendrix Experience', and he's still iconic" I spoke after swallowing a fork full of my Greek salad.

"What! Dude, that's Jimi fucking Hendrix, he could've called his shit whatever he liked and people would flock to it" she grinned biting into her slice of pizza.

"Well, I think it's nice. The name I mean, it's simple, yes. But in a fun school activity sort of way!" Engel cheerfully smiled, sipping her Green Tea.

"Mmhmm, you're too nice, honey. Point is, they literally could've named it ANYTHING else and it'd sound better" Janna stated. It was at that moment that I noticed Isa and Imaan walking up the stairs to meet us. Hugging us all upon their arrival, Isa smiled "so I saw your message, are you going to do it? The Gregorius Show thingy?"

"I still don't know" I answered honestly, gazing down at my salad

"Aren't auditions today after school?" Imaan questioned.

I softly sighed "yeah, they are"

"So...what will do?" Engel piped up. I took a moment, glancing around at all of their faces. Caught between what I wanted and I what I wasn't sure of. So I just started thinking out loud "okay, so...I think I like performing. And I really enjoyed singing on stage at that one party last year. It was such a rush...adrenaline pumping in my veins, nothing else compares to it. I just..."

"There. That's your answer, stop overthinking and go with that feeling. You love singing, and you like excites you. So I think you should do this. Right guys?" Isa positively cut off my train of thought. She glanced around at the girls and they nodded in agreement. "Oh yes, you like have to do this. I mean I know I was making fun of the name and all, but I'd happily watch 'The Liv Reijners Experience'" Janna chuckled

"Okay, definitely not calling it that" I laughed. Imaan sweetly smiled at me "whatever you call it, this is definitely your calling. This is literally the perfect school event for you! Like if you don't at the very least audition, we can't be friends anymore"

"Wow, you'd disown me like that?" I jokingly looked shocked at her

"Oh yeah, girl" she laughed. We ate our food and began chatting about Black Mirror episodes before the bell rang, and we all hurried off to our different classes.


16:32 pm (4:32 pm)

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