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Patton's POV

I don't want to do it anymore.
I don't think I can take it.

Do you ever just think everyone and everything is against you? No matter how hard you try to change yourself for the others around you just to be liked in the slightest?

Well, I tend to think like that a lot, especially with how I'm treated by everyone. Either people think I can't take anything and I'm too pure, so they whisper around me, which always leads me to think that they're saying something about me. Or if it's not that, people find me annoying. And I don't even blame them. I mean, look at me, I'm short, and get made fun of that by a lot of boys. I'm a 'try hard' as some people have described me, or my favorite - a 'suck up' - that one always makes me cry. Or a 'fat a**' that ones fun to hear too...


Today was Sunday. My family and I were just starting to eat dinner. Taco Bell. I've always hated Taco Bell, it makes me kind of sick honestly. But I put up with it because I didn't want to give my parents anymore of a problem. I finished rather quickly because I wanted to get out of there and seclude myself in my room again where no one will try to bother me...sometimes.


"May I be excused?" I asked, I had finished dinner, but just to be sure my mom examined my plate. My parents and siblings, even my close friends all know that I tend to purposefully skip out on meals. But hey, why shouldn't I, especially if people think I'm so fat? 

"No, we're about to eat dessert." My mom told me. My older brothers were both excited for the banana pudding my Dad had prepared. But I couldn't eat pudding, it physically makes me throw up, as does mash potatoes. I think it's just the texture but I just can't stomach the stuff.

"I don't want any, it makes me kind of sick." I instantly regretted saying that. 

"It does not!" My mom raised her voice.
"It does too!" I didn't mean to scream...

"It doesn't make you sick." My Dad laughed.
"Just eat some" My oldest brother, Andrew, told me. My other brother, Mark said nothing.

"I'm not eating it, I'm going to go take a shower." I left the room, and locked myself in the bathroom. I turned on the shower and sat down on the floor. I cried my eyes out. I cried and cried and cried. After about ten minutes I wetted my hair and turned off the shower. I stepped onto the scale and after seeing that dreaded number I started crying again. I listened in on the conversation that was being had in the dining room where my family was.

"...what was that about?" My dad asked like he was stupid. And with every word my mom spoke I cried more. She sounded so mad at me. I try so hard to be at my full potential. I try so hard!


I managed to come out of the bathroom. I walked into my room, tears clouding my eyes, but I had to stay quiet because my brother was in there and I didn't want to give him any suspicions of me crying. I crawled into bed and turned on my music. I just wanted to be alone. That's wrong actually, I just didn't want to be here, didn't want to have to put up with this.


I finally made it to school, away from my stressed filled house. It was currently lunch time and I was sitting with my three closest friends. Virgil, Logan, and Roman. It was apparent that I didn't get any sleep and that I've been crying all night, but I didn't care, I didn't have enough energy to care. I didn't grab any food because I wasn't hungry. Logan was across from me, he had brought his own lunch. Roman did too, and he was sharing his food because Virgil couldn't afford to pay for lunch.

"Patton, are you not going to eat?" I looked up from the spot on the table I was starring at, I was trying to hide my eyes the best I could, and shook my head no.

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