And So It Begins...

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I am well aware of how I ended the last chapter, but for the sake of this chapter, we're going to ignore that. I was rereading a few comments from a lot of previous chapters and it brought back great memories so I just wanted to give you all a nice, happy ending. 

~6 Years Later~


"I'll get it!" Patton announced as he heard the knock on the front door. Once opened, he couldn't help but shiver as the cool, winter air blew into the house. It was starting to snow already.

"Mary! I'm so glad you could make it!" Patton pulled Mary inside of the house. She had a few Christmas gifts in her arms so Patton wasn't able to hug her just yet.
"It's so nice to you again." She smiled, she was starting to get wrinkles and her eyes showed nothing but love and fondness. She was so proud of how far Patton had come. 

"Patton!" He looked up, watching as an eleven year old girl ran at him full speed, he knelt down and opened his arms up, embracing the girl and lifting her up off the ground. Patton was only twenty-five so picking her up didn't affect him too much. Although she was much easier to carry when she was only three. 
"You've gotten so big!" Patton set her back down, looking back up when he saw Thomas, a leash in hand. The dog at the end of the leash was old, his brown fur now grey and his eyes were droopy. He no longer walked everywhere with excitement, but his tail still wagged when he saw people.

"I couldn't just leave him home by himself." Thomas told Patton, looking up with apologetic eyes. "He's been so lonely ever since the Nugget passed away." 
"It's alright, Thomas. Egg is always welcomed in our home." Patton chuckled, Thomas was only fifteen, almost sixteen and has already passed Patton in the height department. He was only a few inches taller but it was odd, seeing the kid you watched grow up now be taller than you were as an adult. 

As the four walked further into the house, laughter could be heard. Everyone that had already arrived had gathered into the kitchen. The smell of food cooking made Isabella dart in front of everyone, smiling widely as she jumped into Logan's arms. 

"Merry Christmas!" She cheered, her rosy cheeks making her look younger than she actually was.
"Merry Christmas, Bella." 

"Andrew, I haven't seen you in so long." Mary walked over to Patton's brother, smiling wider when she saw the toddler in his arms. She found it peculiar that there were highchairs in the dining room, but she simply waved it off after noticing that their were clearly more babies in the family that she hadn't met yet.
"Who is this little fella?" She asked, waving at the tot.

"This is Janus. He's just barely three." Andrew looked down at his son fondly, his wife - Amy - had been around the house somewhere. He had no idea where his other kids were. 

"Hey, Lo?" Patton kept his voice down, standing next to oven where Logan stood. 
"Yes, love?" 
"Well, I was wondering, sense everyone's here now, and it's about time that they wake up, can we announce the big news?" Logan smiled fondly, kissing the top of Patton's head as he nodded. 

"Can everyone please sit in the living room?" Logan asked, raising his voice to be higher than the others. Mumbles of agreement spread throughout the kitchen as everyone moved into the living room.

On the first couch, sat Andrew and Amy. Janus was still in his dad's arms. A ten year old girl sat in-between them and so did their eight year old son - Joan. Amy had already had the kids when Andrew married her, but he loved them just as much as he did his own.
Next to Amy, sat John. John was about twenty now, she had moved out of Mary's house not too long after her nineteenth birthday - she had moved in with her girlfriend, Kane - they were sitting next to one another. 
Next to those two, sat Mark. He had come to their annual Christmas party alone. He hasn't met anyone worth marrying yet but he was perfectly content being single. He had called Patton one day while he was at work, he couldn't seem to get his brother out of his head and he knew that he needed to apologize to him. So he did. And ever since they've been in contact with each other. He was an amazing uncle for all the kids in the family. 
Next to Mark sat Mary, Thomas and Isabella. Isabella held Egg in her arms as she watched Logan and Patton move to stand in front of the Christmas tree, her eyes glancing down at the pile of presents that everyone had brought with them to give out. 
Next to Isabella sat Virgil - those two had always been super close, even if they weren't blood related. Next to Virgil was a five year old girl, Molly - she was Isabella's favorite cousin. And of course, next to Molly, was Roman. Roman had his arm over the back of the couch, his hand laying on Virgil's shoulder as he held his family close to him. 

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