17 Minutes

903 41 57

I've had so many chapters already written and I've been super excited to get them published, sorry for posting so much


"Mother, please, just listen!" I was sitting criss cross applesauce next to the coffee table, Logan was on his knees leaning over the table looking down at Mary who was sitting down on the floor as well, Isabella in her lap, and Thomas clinging on to her arm, giggling. Mary had a smirk plastered across her face.

"It doesn't work that way, you can't have a turn when you're in jail, you have to get double numbers or have a get out of jail free card!" Logan protested, getting heated the more the conversation went on.

"Logan, sweetie, just let her go." I tugged on the sleeve of his flannel. "But..." he sighed and lowered from his knees, I placed my hand on his cheek and gave him my puppy eyes.

He chuckled before kissing me. "You're a keeper." Mary said, rolling the dice. I smiled into the kiss, feeling happy to be here.

"See Logi, doesn't it feel nice to let someone win? To be the bigger man?" I asked, he sighed again, clearly not truly agreeing with me. "I suppose, but she still needs to learn how to play this game. She's 43 for heavens sake!" Mary playfully gasped.

"I'm only 35." She scoffed. I knew Logan was telling the truth, her birthday was December 11th, she had just turned 43.

"Whatever you say mother." Logan rolled his eyes, a smile on his face. His cheeks were a bit red from yelling, it made his freckles pop out and his eyes look like a lighter shade of brown. He was adorable. "You're so sweet." I kissed him once more, shifting to be leaning up against him.

"Sure, He's sweet. Or, it could be, and this only a suggestion, but he could only be backing down because whenever he does, you kiss him." After Mary's statement Logan was beet red. I giggled at how cute he was, I mean, look at him.

"Its alright Logan, if it takes a little peck on the lips to get you to calm down, then I'll kiss you all the time." I looked up at him and booped his nose.

"Stop, you're embarrassing me." He hid his face in my hair, being cute.

"Can we be done with this game? I don't even understand it." Thomas asked. "Sure, I don't know how to play either." I told him.

"Apparently mother doesn't either." Logan said under his breath. "That's it, no more....Patton for you." Mary stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me out of Logan's lap. "Mary, what are you doing?" I asked frantically. Logan wrapped his arms around my waist holding me next to him.

"Logan is being a butt, he could live with any other punishment, but if I take you away maybe my son would learn not to belittle me." She explained, it sounded fair enough, so I wiggled my hands out of her grasp and kissed Logan on the forehead. "17 minutes." I told him, standing up and sitting next to Thomas.

"Why 17?" Mary and Logan asked at the same time. "Because that's how old he is. If Thomas were to do something wrong, he would sit in the corner for seven minutes. But Thomas is a little angel so we don't have to worry about that." I explained to them, Mary nodded in agreement. "Good, now you'll learn something. Other than math." She patted his head and went back to her spot, replacing Isabella to her lap.

"But...but..." Logan was silent, he looked so confused at what had just happened. "You can't just take away my boyfriend!" Logan raised his voice a bit at Mary.

"Ah, ah ah. Logi, you're learning to not talk to your mom like that. And I think you should. People are supposed to talk to their mom's with respect, but also with love and admiration. You talk to Mary as if she's just some random student in the halls who have shared their opinion with you and you disagree with it." He shut his mouth instantly.

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