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Logan and I were putting our bags in the trunk. It was time for us to get going.  I was scared out of my mind, but Logan promised to be by my side the whole time, and I trusted that he would keep that promise to me. He was always good at keeping his word so why shouldn't I trust him? 

"You two ready to head out?" Mary asked us as we put the last of our bags in the trunk. I made eye contact with Logan. "Yes. We are, trust me Patton." Logan took my hand and guided me to the car door, opening it for me, and then closed it once I was in the car. Logan and I were going to sit up front, Logan had been given a car for college, albeit it was an old car, it still worked great. And because of the two young ones Mary decided to stay home (she had promised to visit us eventually).So Logan and were going by ourselves, and this was going to be terrifying, but I'll live. Maybe.

Logan started up the car after telling his mom good bye. And then we were off. The college was at least a two hour drive. 


An hour into the drive and I really started to freak out. My hands kept fidgeting and I kept looking from one window to another, frequently looking at my surroundings that I've never seen before. All this change was scaring me. And I'm pretty sure Logan could tell because he placed his hand atop of mine.

"It's going to be alright." Logan told me, and again, I had to trust him. He's never lied to me before. "Remember, we don't even have to worry about school the first week, it is just for us to get to know the campus and our room mates."  He reminded me. 

"What if we don't get put close to each other?!" I had asked, for the second time now. I didn't want to be away from him. I know that makes me sound clingy but I am. I am incredibly clingy and I get scared when I'm not with the people that I love the most.

"What did I tell you?" He glanced at me for a second before turning back to look at the road.

"I-" I didn't remember what he had told me. 

"I told you to stop worrying about the what if's. You're going to scare yourself even more." He told me, giving my hand a squeeze.  "Please calm down, I will always be there, you just have to remember that." I took a deep breath, and then another. I just needed to calm down/

"Can you put on some music?" He nodded, and then the song "Hey There Delilah" started playing. 

"...thank you."


Logan parked the car in a huge parking lot. The school was huge! I was never going to find my way around this place. 

Logan pulled out his phone and I assumed he had called Roman.

"Roman, have you both arrived at the school yet?"

"Let's meet at the front gate then." Logan hung up, and then he finally looked at me. His eyes softened as he saw how scared I was. I was on the verge of tears but I controlled it. Logan placed one of his hands on my cheek, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb, trying to comfort me. 
"It's alright. I'm right here." I nodded, I knew that he was here, he had told me he would always be here. But I was still scared.

"Shall we go find the others then?" I nodded once again, Logan took my hand in his and we walked to the front gate.
A few minutes after we had arrived, Roman and Virgil showed up. Virgil looked just as scared as I was and he was also holding Roman's hand. One might've mistaken us as little kids about to leave their parents on the first day of kindergarten. But we were in high school, afraid of getting lost from our boyfriend's.

"Have you guys figured out what dorm room you're in?" Roman asked us, he was holding a piece of paper in his hand. He must have already gone to the front desk to get the information.

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