Christmas Spirit

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On Saturday, Logan and I stayed in bed for a while. Logan's mom was off from work, and she was in a pretty good mood. She had been playing with Thomas and Isabella, you could hear their high pitched giggles from upstairs, and you could smell the waffles she was making too. I wanted to get up, but at the same time, I didn't want to leave Logan's warmth.

"Logan, are you awake?" I asked quietly, snuggling into him. I hope he didn't find me weird with how close I like to be to him. It's weird, but I felt really comforted when he was around me. 

"Yes, I am." Logan responded. I lifted up my head to see his eyes, his beautiful, shiny, sparkly dark-ish brown eyes. What! I can admit when someone has pretty eyes..Just, let me be.

"Do you want to get up?" He asked me.  "No, but we need to." I sighed and tried to sit up. But I failed and flopped back down. And then Logan sat up, and stood up.

"Let's go." Logan told me, taking a hold of my hands, and hoisting me up. "Fine." We both decided to just stay in our pajamas and went downstairs.


"Good morning baby." Logan's mom greeted him, she walked up to him with Isabella in her arms, and kissed his cheek.

"Mother, you're embarrassing me." Logan pushed her away, his face bright red. "Good morning Mary." I greeted her. "Would you like me to take Isabella?" I asked her. "No sweetie, it's fine." 

"Logan, you're absolutely adorable." I sat down next to him, he rolled his eyes and laid his head down on his arms.

"Falsehood." He said, though it was muffled by his arms. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Mary said walking around the counter to check on the waffles.

"How did you boys sleep?" She asked, she put a plate in front of me and then one in front of Logan. This is her first day off since I've been staying here, so she didn't know me very well. "I slept fine, thank you." I told her with a smile.

"Mother, I think that's too much for him..." Logan tried to tell her, but she waved him off. "Oh shush Logan, he's a short, skinny boy. He needs to grow." Her statement made my whole face go red. "T-thank you." She ruffled my hair and smiled wide. 

"Patton, you don't have to eat all that." Logan whispered to me. I looked down at my plate to see three waffles, it was a lot, but I didn't want to be rude. "It's fine." 


By the time I had almost finished one, Logan had finished two. I took one more bite and ran out of the room. 

"Patton?" Logan called out to me, he followed me into the downstairs bathroom, and I had, thankfully, made it to the toilet before I threw up. 

I felt Logan start to rub my back as I hovered over the toilet. I was already crying, and I felt horrible. 

"I-I'm s-sorry." I managed to say to Mary as she stood in the doorway, and then I threw up again. "Its alright sweetie." I sat down on the edge of the bath tub. Mary came back in with a cloth and soaked it with water.

"Here baby, put this on your forehead." She handed me the wet rag and Logan held it to my head. "Are you alright?" Logan asked me. I attempted to nod but I just felt the urge to throw up again, so I kept my head still and said that I was. 

"Are you sure?" Mary asked me, I actually nodded this time, and didn't feel like throwing up, as much. "I-I'm sure." I told her, I tried to stand up, but Logan stopped me. "You don't look any better, I don't think you should walk." Mary agreed with him. "Logan, carry him into the living room please." Logan nodded and gently picked me up. This was the second time he's carried me, and I didn't mind, it made me feel small and tiny, but it also felt like a bigger hug (partly because I wasn't on my tippy toes).

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