Have to Go

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The first day Logan and I didnt do anything except unpack, Roman and Virgil helped out, and we were so tired afterwards that we stayed in and we watched a movie together.

The next day Logan woke me up before the others and told me that we were going to explore the campus for a little bit. Which made sense. So we grabbed our schedules so we could find our classes for next week, and then headed out.

"Are you ready to head out Patton?" Logan asked me. I nodded and so he took my hand in his and we walked out the door. Finding our way to the cafeteria, which was basically in the middle of the campus.

"This place is so big" I breathed out, getting slightly annoyed at the map I was holding. I had never been good with instructions. 

"I know dear, but soon enough we'll know this school like-like the back of our hands? Is that the right idiom?" I laughed at his statement.

"Yes Lo, that's right. And you're right, we will get used to it. I just suck at directions." I sighed folding the map up and sticking it in my hoodie pocket.
"Not to be rude, so don't take offense, but you really aren't the best at directions. Quite the opposite actually."

"Hey!" We both started to laugh, and the more he laughed the more I did. 


~A Week Later~


"Logan I don't want to leave you." Logan and I both had a morning class, but we didn't have the same schedule, we couldn't see each other again until four tonight, and it was only six in the morning!

"I know dear, but you have to. I apologize, please make sure you eat though. Please." I nodded, not planning to eat at all, I knew the street of being away from Logan would stick with me all day and whenever I'm stress I find it really hard to keep food down.

"I will see you later." Logan gave me a quick peck on the lips and then turned in the opposite direction as me. As he walked away I could hear him mumbling: "Don't look back, don't look back." And I felt so bad.

"I love you!" I yelled after him.

And he turned around.

And he mouthed it right back, a look of adoration on his face, and he spun around once more and walked away.


I walked into my writing class, it was very crowded with other students, everyone was talking with one another, and the teacher has yet to walk in. 

I made my way to an empty desk, not planning on talking to anyone. I made sure I had all the supplies fro the class, and double checking and triple checking, and then I received a text:

Logi-bear is typing...

I smiled as I waited for him to finish texting.

Logi-bear: It's alright Patton, stop worrying so much. I'll see you as soon as I can. I love you so much, you'll get through this.

Tears built up in my eyes, but I held it in.

ME: Thank you Lo. I love you too...I can't wait to see you again, I already miss you
Logi-Bear: I miss you too.
Logi-bear: I have to dismiss myself, the professor has walked in
ME: Okay, have fun

A few seconds later our teacher walked in as well.

"Ah, a few familiar faces in here." An old teacher walked in, is that rude? Oh! I don't know anymore! "A lot of baby faces though. I'm Mr.Johnson, but you kids can just call me Steve. Now, some of you may think I'm mean or whatnot, but I don't care. I'll be harder on some of you then others, but just know that the harder I am on you, the more I believe in you. And if I'm not hard on you at all, well then there's no saving you, writing isn't for you, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try my darn hardest to get you to pass. Everyone deserves a chance." I was already sucked in, he was so...different. He was a tall man with gray hair. He wore a brown sweater and had big squared glasses.

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