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Wednesday was an awful day. Something happened, and I had been dreading that moment for the first half of that week. Andrew and Mark found me at school.


At lunch on Wednesday Logan was making sure I was eating and threatened to spoon feed me if I didn't eat at least something. I always got a small salad, no ranch, and fruit. But never too much fruit. I had a routine everyday for lunch when it came to what food I picked up. Logan had to be by my side, or else I felt like everyone was watching how much food I was getting and then I could 'hear' them telling me how fat and useless I am.

Well, today Logan was running late, so I didn't even bother getting food. When he did come to the table though he apologized multiple times and gave me a bowl of grapes, which I was happy with, it was less than what I normally ate. The four of us were talking, back and forth. Roman and Logan throwing snarky remarks at each other. Roman and Virgil would start giving snarky names, but they laughed it off afterwards, and everything was fine. I felt so happy being with the people I love, and with the people that love me.

And then I was shoved. My chest hitting the table and pushing against a cut that had made me wince. "Who do you think you are? Pushing him like that. He's half your size!" I heard Roman yell at him. I turned around and saw Andrew, with Mark cowering behind him, he never did like large crowds.

"I was wondering where you left off to. Too chicken to miss school. I would have crossed countries if I decided to leave home, but I wouldn't ever because that's my family, ya know the people that love and care for me!" He said pushing me once more.

"Keep your hands off of him." Logan said sternly, putting his arm out in front of my chest. "And what happens if I...don't?" Andrew pushed. But Logan didn't move.

For a second nobody did anything. "Ya know, it was nice being able to skip school while you were out where ever, not sure if you geeks know this but this idiot decided to run away from home." Andrew continued.

"Don't call him names." Logan gritted through his teeth. "Whatever. You're coming home with us pip-squeak." Andrew went for my arm but Logan was quicker than him. Within seconds, Logan had pinned one of Andrew's arms behind his back, and he held onto the other one tightly.

"I told you to leave him alone. He will not be going home with you, he will be staying somewhere unknown to you savages."

"Which could just mean the library." Roman said, mocking my brothers. The whole cafeteria bursted into laughter. The two walked off but before Andrew left he called out "I'm telling mom you've been staying at the library for the past month!" Again, we all laughed because he took it seriously.

"That was so cool pocket protector." Roman said.
"More like Patton protector." Virgil mumbled.

"Awwwww." I squealed at the nickname he gave Logan and hugged Logan after he helped me escape Andrew. It wasn't honestly as bad as I had thought it was going to be when they threatened me.


As we picked up Thomas and Isabella I wasn't talking much. Too much has happened that day and I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more, than to sleep.

We didn't get homework that day because it was our first week back. once we got inside we all day around the island. Logan passing out snacks. I laid my head down and sighed. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep.

"Mother, how was your day?" I heard Logan ask. "It must have have been better than his." She said, and by process of elimination I'd say she was pointing at me. "He had a...difficult day today." Logan explained. I felt his hand being placed on my back, and his touch alone brought me comfort.

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