
978 34 80

TW: Attempted Suicide

Another day went by and Logan was still by his side. Patton's mother was still debating that deal with Mary, she was right on the fence about it too. She knew that Patton was moving out as soon as possible when he turned 18, she also knew that he was going to off to college in a year or so. She didn't see why he couldn't just go out on his own. She knew very well that he was capable, he even skipped a year or two in school. She could let him go.

"Honey, I think we should accept the deal." She whispered to Patton's father. He was expressionless. He was all for taking the deal, but he knew that his wife needed time before he could give his opinion in the matter. 

"Are you positive?" He asked her. She nodded, tears welling up in her eye, she did love him. Even though she didn't show it much she did love her son. She was proud of him, but she was stressed with bills and taxes on everything. She was stressed with a messy house and worrying whether or not or her boys were mad at her or not. Stressing over grocery shopping, cooking dinner every night, doing dishes, folding everyone's laundry, and everything else. Come to think of it, Patton was the only one that ever helped out around the house. His mom, Donna, would walk into the house on a Saturday morning and grab her coffee, then she would notice Patton doing to dishes or sweeping the floor or just cleaning up around the kitchen with earbuds in and listening to his music while not talking. He would do this every weekend, sometimes he would fold his brothers clothes. He always washed and folded his own. Patton also cooked, and he was pretty darn good at it too. Sometimes he would only cook to get out of eating and it worked every single time.

"Mary..." Donna called out, yet her call was extremely quiet. Her voice was scratchy, and before she could call to Mary again she cried. Everything hitting her at once. The realization that her baby wasn't happy. The realization that it was probably her fault. She pitied the poor boy but she also felt horrible. 

The whole room looked to her, Andrew was the first to console her. He had to take her out of the room for a few minutes. 

When she walked out she slumped against the wall, bringing her knees to her chest, she continued to cry. Donna felt absolutely awful. 

"mom..." Andrew said softly, placing a hand on Donna's shoulder. "Mom, it's alright. I know what you're feeling right now, that's what came over me yesterday. I know you feel awful but you have to understand that no matter what Patton was feeling he loved you, and still does. He loves all of us, he's one of the most loving people you will ever meet. And you raised him. Dad can't even take any credit, that was all you. You guided Patton through every bump in the road every unexpected curve, you were there for him until he realized that no one could help him. He thought that at least, and he believed that. But Patton didn't realize how many people were there for him. He didn't realize that we wanted to help him. And you didn't realize that he needed help. But it's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Because Patton will wake up and he will be with people that love him. Okay?" Andrew asked, sitting down next to her.

"I-I suppose you're right...I just, I'm going to miss my baby." Her cries echoed through the halls as she cried again. Doctors were too afraid of upsetting her so they all steered clear of that hallway. But they all knew that Patton would need to be checked on within the next hour. Rebecca told them to wait a bit longer. She could read all the people in that room, and she knew that all of them were going to eventually break down, some of them more than once. Right now, it was Donna's turn. 

Logan already broke down twice, but he had the right.

Virgil did once but he was so soft and more than likely would break down again.

Roman broke down at his house.

Donna was breaking down currently. 

Andrew broke down a few days prior.

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