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On Sunday morning we all woke up to a foot of snow outside. It looked beautiful. I was just watching the snow that was still falling from inside, but it still looked so pretty. I wasn't sure if I was the only awake, but I knew no one else was awake and walking around. I was happy, and warm, and I felt safe.

I looked over at Logan's family. Thomas and Isabella was still asleep, and I couldn't see Mary's face. I looked up at Logan to see that he was also staring out the window. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked Logan, looking back out the window. "It is indeed." Logan wrapped his arms around me, giving me a warm hug. It felt nice, receiving a hug from him. It felt, natural.

"Do you think we could invite Roman and Virgil over today? It would be so fun to have a snow day with all of us." I suggested. "I don't see why not." Logan just had a smile on his face, it was small, but the kindness in his eyes shown bright.


After an hour of the two of us sitting there, the other three woke up. Thomas was really excited to see all the snow outside, and Isabella, she just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Mother, can we invite Virgil and Roman over?" Logan asked Mary after she was up and dressed. "That's a great idea! I haven't seen those two in forever." She told him, and so Logan texted the two and they both said yes.

"I guess I should get dressed." I told Logan, finally getting up from my spot on the couch. Logan followed me upstairs, and we both walked into his room. He had already cleared out a drawer for me, since I basically slept in Logan's room since I ran away...and because I don't have much clothes to store.

"I don't think I have anything warm enough to wear." I said out loud to myself. "That's alright, you can wear one of my jackets." Logan rummaged through his closet and laid out a magenta colored snow jacket. it was absolutely adorable, and I bet younger Logan loved this jacket, as it was a bit worn out.

"Thank you Logan." I changed into skinny jeans, because why not? And a long sleeved, light blue shirt. I tied my snow boots on, and then Logan and I went back downstairs. By the time we go downstairs Logan's mom had made us hot chocolate, and there was some left over for when Virgil and Roman were coming over.


There was a knock on the door and Logan excused himself from our conversation to go an answer it. A minute later our friends walked in and they looked surprised.

"Wow, Patton, your parents actually let you out of your house?" Roman asked. "And in this weather?" Virgil added. I didn't know how to answer them, so I filled up my mouth with hot chocolate and postponed my answer. "Patton couldn't get home yesterday because of the snow and ice, and so he came home with me, he called his parents as soon as he got here and they were a bit upset but they were fine with it because it would have been dangerous to drive with all that ice on the road." Logan lied.

"You got lucky." Roman smiled at me. He walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Now, let's go outside!" He said with excitement in his voice. I second it and so did Virgil so we went outside. Promising Thomas and Isabella that once the sun came up a bit more we would take them outside to play as well.


"Let's start with a snowball fight." Roman suggested, and so we did. Roman had called dibs on having me on his team, saying that I'd be able to win the fight more than Virgil could.

We started out with calling spots, we each choose a car on either side of the road to hide behind, and then the game started. Roman instantly chucked a snowball at Logan and shouted "Take that nerd!" I of course told him not to be mean, but he didn't listen that well.

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