Just Understand Me

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Nurses piled into the room, physically having to remove Logan from the bed so they could take Patton back into sugery.
They were allowed to stay in the room and wait sense Logan was not currently stable enough to be in the public waiting room. Mary held Logan close to her as she slowly rocked back and forth  she didn't care as Logan's tears soaked her shirt. She was his mom and this was her job.


Roman and Virgil came back after school that day, when they walked in they saw Logan crying and Patton no longer in the room.

"What...what happened?" Virgil looked around the Patton free room.

"Patton's heart monitor did that beeping thing and he's currently in surgery. So don't worry just yet" Mary told them over Logan's sobs.

"Okay...okay. That's good"  Roman nodded, reassuring himself that it was going to be okay. He rubbed Virgil's shoulders as he talked calmly to him, trying to calm Virgil down as tears were ready to fall.

"W-what's wrong with Logan?" Virgil asked.

"He was trying to talk to Patton and as he was...the heart monitor went off." Mary explained vaguely.

"He could h-here me! H-He was l-listening to me!" Logan exclaimed as he chocked on a few sobs. 

"What?" Roman asked, walking closer to Logan and kneeled down in front of him, Virgil joining him.

"I was talking to Patton and certain words triggered the monitor, like his heart was jumping, the more he heard me the more he tried to wake up, or so I think. B-But I was telling him...I-I was telling him that if he truly couldn't make it, if i-it was hurting him to fight, I-I told him that I wouldn't be mad at him, I would u-understnad, and then it went out..." Logan explained to the others.

"You told him it was okay if he died?!" Virgil snapped.

"I thought i-it would be better t-than making him suffer." Logan admitted.

"Which is true, but we want him to stay with us." Roman said calming.

"I do too! Don't you think I want that?!" Logan asked, tugging at his hair as he stared at the floor. "I want that more than anything! I wish Patton could just come walking through that door all healthy again! That's all I want! I want him to be happy, I want him to have everything, I want to coddle him with affection, I want to hold him close to me, I want to tell him how much he means to me, how much I love him! How much I feel for him! I love him!" 

Someone cleared their throat and they all four turned to the door. Patton was being wheeled in on a the bed, he was still unconscious but the monitor was back to normal. Logan let more tears fall as he looked at his love. 

"Patton is stable again. The stitch inside of his abdomen came undone causing him to internally bleed again, the blood was clogging up the veins to his heart but we were able to restitch the stitches and unclog his veins." A nurse said. 

A doctor walked in.

"Oh, hello Logan, how are you doing?" Rebecca asked as she looked at the boys. She instantly regretted her words as she took in Logan's disheveled look. His hair was a mess and his eyes were so red and puffy. His cheeks were very red from yelling and from constantly rubbing tears away.

"Sweetie, when was the last time you had eaten? Or slept? What happened to your fist?!" She grabbed his hands which had dry blood on them and his skin was split open a bit.

"I, I was taking care of a problem." Logan vaguely explained. 

"Well, why don't you let me take care of that?" She asked in a gentle tone. Logan nodded as he stood up and sat on the bed with Patton, he let his legs hang over the side as she pulled up a stool.

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