Rose Bush

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T.W - Self Harm


It was back to school for us, and I wasn't too thrilled to be going back. I like staying in bed late, with Logan by my side. Getting up when I was ready to wake up. 

"Patton, you must get up." Logan told me as he yanked the comforter off of me. "Noooooo." I whined, rolling over onto my side so I was faced to the wall. "Don't make me do it."

"You wouldn't dare." I sat straight up and glared at him. "You know I would, I've done it before." He glared right back at me. I sighed and got up. "Fine, I give up. It's not fair to use my weaknesses against me." I said as I stood up next to Logan and the bed. Logan stuck out his arm preventing me from walking any further and pulled me closer to him before he tickled me to no end.

"I-I g-g-got up!" I screeched between laughs. I was losing all my air as he tickled me. "Stop!" I was still laughing as I was trying to push him away.

"Be warned next time." He finally stopped and allowed me to be set free. "Fine, I'll get up the first time you tell me to." I told him, and did I got dressed for school as did Logan.

It was a really quiet morning, no one was ready to go back to school and Isabella didn't even bother fully waking up the whole morning, staying asleep until we dropped her off at daycare. Thomas was awake but then fell asleep in the car, luckily he was only in 1st grade and didn't have hardly any responsibilities. 

Logan's mom had stayed home from work today, she didn't feel up to going and to be honest I liked it better when she stayed at home, she was always less stressed by the time school ended. "Logan I don't want to be here." I cried. Well, I wasn't actually crying, but still. I was afraid my brothers might seek me out or something and try to drag me back home, I love being with Logan and his family. It's so loud and cheerful. there was hardly any noise in my house for the majority of the time. I didn't want to go back.

Logan had parked and after about three minutes I had noticed that he wasn't moving or planning on moving. He was just staring at me. His eyes were slightly droopy, and his cheeks were a light shade of pink. He looked cute in this lighting. The sun wasn't up yet, it was just the street lamps projecting light onto us. 

"Are you alright?" Logan asked me, he tends to ask me that a lot, but at certain times, I'm glad that he does. 

"Logan...What, what if my brothers finally try to take me back home. What if they force me to go back home. I don't want to go back. Logan I really want to stay with you, I can't go back. I just can't." My voice kept cracking slightly, but I controlled the tears. 

"I won't let them take you. You're with me now, you stick with me if you feel scared that they'll try to take you back home. Just ask me to walk you to your classes if you're feeling uneasy. I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel safe, and that you are safe." 


Not that I wasn't safe at home, Logan was just afraid that I would...hurt myself again, which is technically not safe for me and isn't good in the slightest, no matter how much ease it brought me...Sorry, I'll stop now.


"Thank you." We got out of the car and I made the detour to walk to Logan instead of waiting for him to catch up. I tightly wrapped my arms around him, badly needing a hug. "I'm s-sorry. I just, I really needed reassurance... to make sure that you're actually here." I might have been hugging him too hard, but he didn't care.

"It's alright, everyone needs a bear hug every now and again." I couldn't help but smile. He always knew how to make me smile. While we were standing there, in the dimly lighted area, in front of the school. I took in his smell. It was fresh, and he smelled like home. I loved his smell. It was so unique. 

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