Lost Boy

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I woke up around one in the morning the next day, I kept hearing people arguing, like they were trying not to yell at each other but at the same time they badly wanted to.

"I told you to not make it obvious!" Someone whisper shouted, it sounded a lot like Logan, then I realized that Logan wasn't next to me in bed anymore.

"I'm sorry, but I need to make sure he gets better." Someone else said a bit quieter, she sounded like Mary. "Don't you think I'm already doing that?" I rubbed at my eyes as I got out of bed and walked down the hallway to Mary's bedroom door, it was cracked open so I could hear them a bit better.

"You're always flirting with the boy! How can I know for sure that you're making sure he's eating enough? How can I make sure he's not, you know, hurting himself anymore? How do I know if it's not safe for him to be here? What if his parents call the cops?" Now I knew for sure that they were talking about me. Logan had told her everything...

My eyes started to water as they went on. "Mother! Calm down. They're not going to call the cops, I'm 97.34% positive of that." Even though I was upset that he told Mary everything I couldn't not smile okay his logical terms or whatever. But the tears only built up.

"I'm checking for new scars, making sure he doesn't do it again, I'm getting him to eat, he is eating. I just can't take my eyes off of him for longer than a day, and that scale, that stupid scale needs to be thrown away." He was ranting now, trying to find solutions. I could hear his rapid footsteps as he paced across the room.

"Logan, don't you think we should take him to see a doctor?"

"Yes, but he's too frightened by doctors to go anywhere near them." He was right, they do help people a lot, but I was much too scared to be in a doctor's office or anywhere near a place that has a needle.

"He should get over that! He's 17 for heavens sake! If it's for his own good then I'm going to take him to the doctors." I was only getting more scared by the second, with every new sentence came more tears, and I was afraid that I would go into a panic attack but I couldn't, not right now, and I needed to get away from this door, to get away from this conversation, it was too much for me, but I couldn't move, it was like my feet were glued to the floor.

"You cannot take him, he will get better and if you take him to the doctor he will be scared and more than likely go into a panic attack, which would only make him worse, we're trying to help him get better not worse! So if you would just listen to me, just let me take care of this! I will help him, I have to help him." Logan got louder with each statement he made, but then all of the sudden quiet with that last sentence.

"Logan..." Mary started off.
"I have to help him!" Logan snapped, and that's when my feet decided to move.

"Logan! Don't yell at your mom..." when I walked in I saw the tears on Logan's face, I was all of the sudden no longer upset with him and I just wanted to make him feel better. When the two saw me, Logan started to wipe at his eyes and Mary was shocked.

"I'm sorry Mary, but I'm not going to the doctors, Logan's right I will have a panic attack. Logan...you shouldn't be this upset because of me" I walked over to him and wiped the tear stains away. "You shouldn't be this worried over me, I'm just some stupid high school kid, that wants nothing to do with his parents." Logan stopped me and lightly grabbed at my wrist.

"You are anything but 'some stupid high school kid." I smiled once more. I had to wipe my tears away before I continued talking. "And Mary, please stop saying he's always flirting with me, and me with him. You're not wrong or anything.."

"Wait..." Logan started but I went on anyway.
"But that's just something us gays do. Roman and Virgil do the same thing. Although I'm pretty sure those two are dating already." I was going off topic but I mean c'mon! Have you not been listening to this story? They're so in love with each other it's adorable.

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