Hey There

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"Logan get down here!" I heard Logan's mom yell from downstairs. He didn't budge which was probably the better decision. "Logan!" She called again. I heard something slam against the ground and it sounded like it smashed to pieces. A few seconds later little Thomas came running in with Isabella hardly in his arms. He tried to put her on his bed and I helped him by grabbing her. She was sleeping, so I tried not to move her too much. Thomas ran back to the door and locked it, then jumped onto the bed with us,  hiding underneath Logan's arm.

"Why is there food left out!?" She shouted again. "I thought I told you to clean up after everyone!" Logan's eyes were closed, like he was keeping himself calm. 

"Like I was saying..." She had thrown down the pot of spaghetti with quite a loud smash, but it didn't break. "I was forced to grow up faster than most kids when I was nine, because Thomas was born. My so called dad was furious with my mother for letting herself get pregnant, again, he tried to convince her to get an abortion, but she refused. So he started to beat us, and I had to protect my mother. She didn't always provide me with protection but I always tried to block the blows that were directed on her, onto myself, considering she was pregnant." I heard yet another smash, and it sounded like she had gone for the dishes.

"After Thomas was born, I immediately called my grandmother to come and take him, I wasn't going to risk letting Thomas get hurt by that bas-" I nudged Logan to remind him that Thomas and Isabella were in here. "Right, sorry." Thomas let out a little scream when something loud hit the floor from downstairs, and then came a very violent string of curse word. "It's alright Thomas, I won't let her hurt you." Logan comforted him. 

"Logan, I-I-I think..." I wanted to warn him that there were footsteps, but I couldn't say anything fast enough before there was a bang on the door. "It's okay." Logan told his baby brother. 

I stood up from the bed, Isabella still in my arms, but before the other two could fret I just grabbed a ukulele from beside Logan's desk, and sat back down but this time I sat to the left of Logan, handing him Isabella, and then I leaned against the bed. I strummed the ukulele a few times and then started singing. 

"Hey there  Delilah
What's it like in New York city?
I'm a thousand miles away
But, girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes, you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear, it's true~" I started singing, trying to calm everyone down.

"Logan open this door!" She screamed from the other side of the door. "Logan!" She started banging her fist against the door.

"Hey there, Delilah..." I started up again. Logan's mom stopped for a minute, and listened to me.

"Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen" She stayed silent. I opened my eyes, continuing my strumming, and Logan looked at me. He looked shocked, I've never seen him with that facial expression before. Thomas was starting to doze off, and Isabella remained asleep.

"Close your eyes, Listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side." I heard a bang and it sounded like she had fallen to the floor. I continued to just strum the cords, and hum, but I didn't dare speak. 

"Mother?" Logan called out. 
"I'm sorry..." I heard a faint mumbled from her, and then she started to sob. I didn't know what to do, but sense my strumming kept Thomas quiet I didn't stop.

"Mother..." The sobbing stopped and I was pretty sure she had passed out, but I was too scared to get up and check. 


We sat there for awhile. Thomas was now asleep, and I was about to fall asleep but I felt Logan moving, and then he was standing. "I have to put them to bed." He told me opening his door, and stepping over his mother. I put down the instrument and picked up Thomas, I followed after Logan and saw him gently place Isabella in her bed, and I did the same with Thomas. 

We stepped out of their room, shutting off the light and closing the door. As soon as Logan closed the door, as soon as I heard the click, I quickly wrapped my arms around Logan, stepping on my tippy toes so I could bury my head in the crook of his neck. 

"I'm so sorry." I controlled my tears for once, but not my emotions. "For what? You have done nothing wrong." I backed up from Logan and wiped at my eyes to keep the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry for putting all my problems on your life, especially when you have to tend to your family, and care for them, and keep your grades up. You have so much on your plate and you still put up with me--" I had to stop for a minute, catching my breath "Sorry, I'm really trying not to cry."  I told him, wiping at my eyes again. 

"You are perfectly fine Patton. You being here actually helps me. I've been...feeling, selfish for having you here to be completely honest. Almost as if I'm pushing my life on you. It doesn't feel right. Yet, at the same time, it feels right having you right next to me, making sure you're eating and getting better..." I was looking at him with a somewhat confused, sympathetic look, I didn't know he cared about me this much. "Its like we balance each other out." That was all I needed to hear before I hugged him once more. 

Logan was currently carrying his mother to her bed. "I apologize for that, if you would like we can go to bed afterwards." He told me. 

Logan closed her door, and looked at me. On his way to his room, I had linked our arms together. I was leaning my head on his arm too, I think I'm too clingy, and I've tried to ask Logan if I was already, and he just told me that he didn't mind. 

I had to let go of him for a minute as we got into bed. After we settled back down, me sitting in Logan's lap once more, I asked him to continue his story, and he did.

"After my grandmother took Thomas in, my mom didn't care all that much but my, biological father, was mad to say the least. He was mad at me for giving away my own mothers child like that, for not asking permission, but I didn't care, I hid in my room a lot, from him and my mother. I wasn't happy but I wasn't unhappy at being closed off so much. It all taught me how to keep my feelings hidden, to suppress my sadness and any other emotion. Never letting anyone know how I was feeling emotionally." He stopped for a second, letting me take it all in.

"You wanna know what's ironic?" I asked him. He gave a nod. "Even though you say no one can tell what you're feeling, I can normally read you like an open book." Which was true, I can read most people, but with Logan I can tell what he's feeling even when I'm in another room.

"Well, that's because we have this...special bond kind of thing. I hope that makes some sense." I nodded in agreement. It made perfect sense that we shared something special, I don't know what it is, but we share it and it's between us two, and therefore it is very special and I shall cherish thos special bond for forever.
"Can you continue the story?" I asked again.
"Of course. Well, after a few years, Thomas was maybe five now, my father started to aim for my face more, which was a mistake because the teachers had taken concern for me. That was one of the few times where I had a really hard time lying to adults, I was running out of excuses, but none of them really cared, it was like they had to ask. One time my excuse was that a kid punched me and then the teachers went on with it, asking no further questions."
"That's awful!" I interrupted him. "I'm sorry, but it is." I crossed my arms and leaned a bit further into his chest, wanting warmth and comfort after hearing this news. Hearing about how bad people treat each other, especially my Logi, made me so upset. But maybe I could also provide him some comfort and giving him hugs and emotional support. I'm gonna try my hardest at least.

"You're alright Patton. Would you like me to go on?"
"Not right now, I'm getting tired. Maybe later though?" He agreed saying that it was getting pretty late anyways.

Pretty soon, we were both asleep. The rest of that week was decently calm, I didn't even see my brothers all week.


Sorry for the shortish chapter

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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