The man

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~A month later~

It was the day before the four of us were going to college. This was going to be...interesting. Being away from the tots and Mary. I can't even imagine how Logan feels.


"Patton, what are you thinking about?" Logan asked as I was walking into the living room, I may have stopped mid walk though. I was really nervous about starting college, I still feel like an actual child, like I haven't even gone through the last 13 years of my life. Oof, I'm not going to survive through this. 

"Tomorrow." I groaned, I wasn't really feeling this, in the slightest. "I really don't want to go and leave everyone." Thomas went running past me and Isabella came toddeling after, I quickly scooped her up and walked in front of Logan who was sitting on the couch. With Isabella propped up on my hip I stared down at Logan. He sat on the edge of the couch and pulled me closer by the hips. He had a smirk on his face as he did so, leaving his hands to rest on my hips.

"Down! Down!" Isabella patted my chest and so I put her on the floor, she went looking for Thomas.

"Hey." Logan called, getting me to look at him instead of his siblings. "I love you, and I'll be there with you the whole time." Logan was looking up at me, he was smirking the whole time. I rested my arms on his shoulders, holding my hands loosely around his neck.

"I love you too, but it's still going to be weird. And what if we don't end up as dorm mates? What if I can't ever sleep because you're not right there with me? What if I can't handle all the stress? What if I get lonely? What if-" 

"Stop it." I closed my mouth, not wanting to upset Logan. "You can't live your life always thinking about the what if's. Plus, don't you worry, I will make sure that we end up close enough or better yet are dorm mates. Alright?" I nodded, avoiding eye contact with Logan.

"Look at me Patton." His voice was stern, and again, I didn't want him upset with me so I quickly looked at him, our eyes meeting. His eyes looked fogged over again, it was weird. He kind of looked hungry, I should make him some cookies later.

"Why do you always listen to me so much? And without hesitation?" He asked, I slightly tilted my head, I was embarrassed, I didn't know he picked up on that.

"What do you mean?" 

"You know what I mean." My cheeks reddened as he accused me. 

"I-I just...I don't want to make you upset or mad, so-so I just...listen? I guess." Logan pulled me onto his lap, making me blush more. "A-and I-I don't want you to be mad at me, I love you and would be s-sad if you were mad at me." I kept going. "I s-suppose it could be because of how much I love you, but it could also be that I made my brothers mad at me all the time and the more that happened the more I didn't have anyone to talk to. N-No one ever wanted to spend time with me a-and I don't think I could handle it if I drove you away like that..." his eyes softened, the fogginess going away, but not completely.

"I could never be mad at you. I couldn't ever be upset with you either. Even if you didn't always listen to me. I really hope you're not scared of me...I apologize if I do bring you fear." I quickly kissed him, and the kiss lasted a...while.

"You don't scare me." I told him, with a sudden burst of confidence that I didn't even know I had. "You could never scare me." He scoffed.

"That, is far from the truth." and that look of hungriness came back, if not stronger. 


"No?" He asked me, a smirk growing on his face. 

"No. You couldn't scare me, unless you jumped scared me, but you couldn't scare me." I closed the gap between us again, connecting our lips. 

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