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I thought about this for a while, trying to find a decent answer. "I don't know, I guess I just close off..." I answered to the best of my ability. He gave me a questioning look, so I went on. "No one's ever asked me about my feelings, and when I'm with my 'family' they like to call me a crybaby, or you know, other names. And...and they all like to cuss and you know how I don't like bad words. Well, it's, it's gotten so bad that they can give me panic attacks, and I get so scared when that happens, but at the same time I feel so pathetic..." And that was when Logan stopped me. He placed his hand on top of mine and I knew to stop before I started to cry, again.

"It's alright, I'm sorry for asking that, but maybe when we get back to my house, you can open up about your feelings a bit more, and I can help you through them. I'll try to at least." I thanked him, even if it did come out barely audible, he heard it.

"You can ask me something now." Logan told me, I thought about it for a minute, and then thought of something that I've been wondering since last night. "Why did  you allow me to sleep in your bed?" His expression hardly changed, but the look in his eyes did, there were flashes of sympathy in his eyes.

"It was the most logical thing to do." He told me.

"How so?" I didn't exactly understand what he meant by that, and I wasn't sure if I was just stupid, or if he was just too smart.

"Well, you needed to sleep in order to go to school the next morning. You needed comfort. Since you've lacked attention and love recently, I knew that the best thing for you, at this time in your life, that you needed to be comforted, you needed to know that someone was there for you. However, if I had left you alone, you would have continued to cry, and not get any sleep, or you would have cried yourself to sleep, yet, you would have still been too exhausted to go to school the next morning. Education is important, and so is sleep, so I figured that since it was going to benefit your own health, then I should do it. Plus, as you may or may not know, hugs, or physical contact can help in varying ways." he finished off.

"...Thank you." He gave my hand a little squeeze, but quickly, like at the speed of light, let it go when he heard the school doors opened.

"Oh, hey Roman." I smiled at him as he walked to us, it was only half genuine, but still. "Wow, you're early again, normally you're the last of us four to get here." Roman said, and he actually looked surprised.

"Oh yeah, I started walking instead of waiting for my brothers to get up..." I straight up lied, and I felt so bad. "Cool, even if it's just us three, would you please watch my stuff so I could use the restroom?" I told him I would and then he left.

"Do they not know about your actions?" Logan asked me. "No. I don't want to tell them, at least not yet." I looked down at my hands, that were placed in my lap. I was extremely stressed about what people would think of me if they knew I ran away. What if they think I'm just trying to get attention? Even though I'm not..

"Patton, calm down." I hadn't realized that my breathing was getting shaking until Logan snapped me out of my thoughts.

"R-right." I tried my best to calm my breathing before Roman came back out, and I was decently calmed by then.


Lunch came around again and I, once again, didn't bother to get any food. I was starting to actually get physically thinner, and I was proud of myself.

"Patton, you need to eat something." Logan told me, I really didn't want to, but he was letting me stay with him, so I just came up with an excuse.

"I'm not that hungry." I told him, which was obviously a lie. "Patton, please go get some food." Logan tried again.
"I forgot my money."
"No you didn't you put money on your account last week."
"I...don't want to go alone." I was using up as many excuses as I could think of, but of course that was bound to fail, especially against Logan.
"I'll go with you" Logan stood up first, he waked around the end of the table and stood behind me, waiting. "Come on Patton." Logan called to me.

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