32. Confirmation

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This was a disaster.

Oliver knew who I was. Tilly and Arch knew that Oliver knew. They were my betas, so they knew I got shot the second it happened. They and my parents. Half of the pack was coming for me when I ran home after that incident. They were ready for war, but I explained that the one who shot me was just a human who thought I was a regular wolf. I didn't tell anyone anything about Oliver. They all accepted my explanation.

All except those two bastards, Tilly and Arch. I was still out of my mind even though I shouldn't have been – regular hunting arrows couldn't kill us after all – so they knew something happened with Oliver. They kept asking about it until I blurted out that Oliver knew the wolf was me. I didn't tell them how he knew that. Even I didn't know how he knew that, but I had a good guess: he was a mind reader. He had to be. My mate or not, he shouldn't have been able to hear my thoughts. Although I was pretty sure I never called for him specifically.

Everything was ruined now. I was going to skip school, but then people would think I got scared by being shot, so I had to go. And Tilly wouldn't have let me stay at home anyway since she was now determined to force me talk to Oliver.

Which I was not going to do. I would never go near him ever again.

The only reason why I got away from Tilly was her high heels. She couldn't run as fast as I could so I managed to slip away from her. I kept going even after I was a few miles away from school, and once I was sure she gave up – which was a miracle – I stopped to take a breath.

I didn't know what to do. Things had gotten much more complicated than I could've imagined. Having a mind reader around would freak out a lot of people – it was mostly a vampire ability, so no one in my pack would take that information well. Oliver was a human, yes, but reading minds was really bad.

I turned to look back towards the school. Of course I couldn't see it, but I could still feel Oliver's presence. He was... surprisingly calm. And amused. Yes, I knew running away was not the most manliest thing to do, but for fuck's sake! I didn't want to have anything to do with the guy anymore! Why couldn't Tilly just leave me the fuck alone?! I was so freaking tired of being pushed around all the time!

I was so angry at that moment. Angry and tired. I turned around again and continued my way away from him. Yes, none of this was his fault, which obviously sucked for him, but I needed a break. He would probably start chasing me and ask stupid questions and throw demands at me just like everyone else did...

I stopped to glare at the snowy ground in front of my feet. To him, I wasn't Wolfie anymore. There was no going back anymore, and that pissed me off the most. Was it too much to ask to have a few moments now and then when I could forget about everything and just pretend I wasn't the next fucking Alpha?

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