33. Echo

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I had a weird dream that night.

At first, I was playing with a huge pack of wolves in a big forest. It was summer, so I knew it was a dream. A good dream. But then it got weird.

"Are you there?" someone asked. I almost didn't even notice that voice, so I just continued playing fetch with one of the wolves, but then I heard it again, and this time, someone replied to them.

"I'm here..."

I had no idea who the voices belonged to, or if the speakers were male or female. I looked around, and suddenly the wolves and the forest were gone. Instead, I was in an empty room. Everything around me was gray, and every corner was dark, almost black. If I looked at it long enough, it was almost like the darkness was moving. I didn't like that room at all, but when I turned around, one of the wolves was there. A black one. He was standing right next to me, looking around. He didn't like it there either.

"How are you holding up?"

I looked at the wolf, who pinned his ears up – he, too, could hear the voice.

"It can't get a good grip, so we're fine. For now..."

"I'm sorry – I'm doing the best I can... They are coming – three of us. That should be enough..."

"That's a relief... Cedric is getting really tired. He's still locked up, and there's nothing I can do to help him, but I'm not alone."

"You mean the Echo?" the voice was surprised. "Yes – I can sense him. He's gotten much stronger in the past few days, hasn't he?"

"Yeah – but something is wrong. That abomination is interested in him. I would cast him out because it's not safe for him, but I need his help. He may be just an Echo, but he's standing his ground."

"But why would it be interested in him? What on earth is going on?"

"I don't know, but wait... I don't think we're alone here..."

"Ohh, he's just phasing again – that boy is growing stronger by the–"

I was suddenly standing in the middle of a meadow. The wolf was still next to me, looking just as confused as I felt, and the voices were gone.

"That was weird," I spoke to the wolf.

The wolf let out a silent whine, looking up at me with concern in his eyes.


I was still thinking about the dream when I got to school in the morning. After spending the early hours of the morning lying awake, thinking about the words I heard, I started to consider the possibility that it wasn't a dream at all. For one, it was one hell of a dream, and two, Mrs. Bundt spoke about the same things the other day, when I overheard her phone conversation.

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