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I stood on the well polished floor of the ball room, at the annual ball for all the Mafia leaders around the country, and their inner group to attend, in my simple yet formal suite. I scanned over all the heads that mingled together to find a very close friend of mine. Chris. Even though Chris and I were never in the same Mafia group our fathers thought it be a good idea for us to get to know each other. They were right. Since day one we became like family. Nothing could come between us.

Then my eyes landed on his dirty blonde hair. I smiled to my self and made my way though the crowd of people. This might have been a hard set of actions for most people to do but my height of 6'5" made it easier for me. When I finally made my way to him I placed a firm hand on his shoulder. Little did I know his mouth was filled to the brim with pastries that he soon started to choke on. Instead of being a good friend and helping him out I stood there and laughed. This is what the dumbass gets for shoveling food into his mouth.

"What the hell man! I could've just died" Chris exclaimed

"Aye, chill out due. Its not my fault that you eat like a horse and get easily scared." I told him with a chuckle

"Yeah, yeah. Sure... Oh dude! Did you hear! The leader of the Scarlett Angels is supposed to make an appearance tonight!" Chris states with child like excitement.

"Really? Dude, I don't know who or where you heard that from but I can almost promise you that the man won't show up. His territory is literally half of Middle River and no one had ever seen him in the last 5 years. So get your head out of you ass-" I stopped my rant suddenly.

I looked up to the top of the grand entrance stair case when the sound of trumpets blared through the ball room.

"Now introducing, the leaders or the Scarlet Angels, Madison and her sister Heather!" The butler announced by the top of the stairs.

"Well I'll be dammed they really did-- wait... Did he just say the the TWO leaders are GIRLS?" I mumbled to Chris as the ball room had fallen completely silent.

"Yeah man. He did..." He informed me with another whisper.

I blinked my eyes a few times as I watched the woman walk through the doors. They were not what I was expecting at all.

One of the women was shorter than her sister. This one was a red head with a very well built body, evenly toned with muscles all over her. Her hair was down with waves going through her hair. Her dress was a purple velvet material with a halter top style. It showed her collar bones and sculpted arms very well. She was a very stunning woman with her smile lighting up the room.

While her sister in the other hand... I cant say the same about her smile. Only because there wasn't a smile. The look that was plastered to her fair skin could only be described as resting bitch face. Her long brown hair was very similar to her sisters with the way it laid in wavy patterns around her face and back. She was just as tone as the other was. Her exposed arms were relaxed but every muscle could still be seen. Even though her chest was rather small her hips made up for it. She was rather curvy in the simple red satin dress that hugged her nicely.

With the quietness of the ball room still hanging thick, I took my chance. I grabbed Chris by the arm and pulled him through the crowd with me. As host of the ball this year it seems only fair that I greet these woman. I had brought Chris up with me because I noticed the way he stared at one of them. He looked like a fish out of water.

As we walked through the frozen crowd they seemed to clear a path for us as we walked to the stairs. As we had reached the base of the stairs they did as well. Looking at them in a closer proximity allowed me to adore their features even more. All I can say is wow. Most of the woman who were in the Mafia were simply prostitutes. They always looked like shit, but these girls, they were stunning. For a moment my eyes locked with the brunet sister.

Even through her eyes were classified as brown they looked so much darker. Almost the color of black. They way they looked back at me was a look that could kill. They were dangerous. If a poor foolish man were to get lost in them then he would surely die. I was slowly heading that way. I was pulled out of my trance as Chris elbowed me harshly in the gut.

I glared at him slightly as I ignored the pain. I turned back to the sister to greet them.

"Welcome ladies, it's a pleasure to have you represent the Scarlet Angles tonight in place of your father." I said with a smile that most woman would fall for.

I reached in for the brunet's hand and bent over to place a soft kiss on it. Or so I thought. Instead the quiet room became full of gasps after the harsh sound of skin to skin contact was made. In an instant my face burned as a hand print started to form on the side of my face.

I quickly stood straight up and looked down at the brunette with her eyes making a color darker than black. It look like the depths of hell. The place where not even Satan dares to go. Her jaw was clenched so tight that I thought her teeth would crack.

"You sir, are one sad excuse for a man! We are not 'representing' our boss! We are the boss! And you sir need to get your fucking head out of your ass before I shove my foot up there!" She yells as she grabs her sister by her hand.

She starts you walk away from us with her sister trailing behind her. As the girls made their way through the crowd, the people separated once again. For they must have feared that she would kill them. Judging by the look she had just given me, she very well could have.

I brought my hand up and gently touched my cheek with my finger tips only to wince and pull my hand away.

"God Damn... That bitch is Fucking crazy Chris... No wonder the Scarlet Angels are so feared... The look she gave me could every well have killed me!" I stated as I watched her sway to the food table.

Soon enough all the tension in the room had melted and everyone began to mingle with each other once again.

"To be straight with you man... You kinda deserved that... The announcer-guy literally said that they were the bosses... They weren't representing any one but their own Mafia. Why do you think everyone stopped talking? Because of how hot the red head is?" Chris asked with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his stupidity. I took a glance at my watch and realized it was 9 o'clock. I sighed softly to try and calm my self down. Why was I so mad over a woman slapping me? Ive been slapped many times but why was this one so... Different. Most blows to the face tell me to get away from the woman, but this blow... Makes me very very curious. I quickly pulled my self from my thoughts so I could make am announcement.

"The first game will begin in 10 minutes! Men, grab your guns and meet me put back!"

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