Informational race

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***Chris P.O.V.***

 It's about 8:30 p.m. Jackson and I stood at the main bridge that stretched over the river in the middle of town. The full moon had decided to shine tonight which I thought was great since it lit up the water really nicely. Jackson had called me not too long ago to meet him here since he got a call from Heather on Madison's phone. He described her as winded and frantic. I was worried about the whole situation. 

Then I started to hear a constant sound of tapping. I looked to the east of the bridge and could see Heather running full speed at us. I walked forward to greet her sooner. By the time she got to me, she was totally winded. She had obviously been sprinting for quite awhile. Her face was flushed. Her hair was a mess, and she was hysterical.

"Madison... Arrested... Police... Framed... Trap... Sale records!" She panted as she raised her arms over her head to rest on top of her head. Obviously trying to catch her breath, whatever had happened must have been bad and some what far away for her to have been sprinting and out of breath, even though she is a runner. I grabbed her arms, and pulled her gently to the ground so that she could sit and calm down to both catch her breath, and give us more of an explanation.

I looked at her wide eyed as I crouched down next to her small frame. As she "explained" what had happened, Jackson ran back to the car to see if he had any water with him. By the time she finished he came back with a bottle of water. He handed it to me, I took it and gave it to Heather. She took it immediately and began to chug it down. While she was preoccupied Jackson needed to be filled in.

"What happened? Is she okay? Where's Madison?" Jackson asked, just as hysterically as Heather was.

"If I understood correctly... Some one gave them a tip but it was a trap and the police showed up. They caught Madison but Heather managed to get we need to go to their side of town and receive a document with their recent sales. Now if I'm guessing correctly, after we get it we bring it to the police station and prove her innocence? Did I get it right?" I questioned as I looked down at Heather.

She nodded her head and made the okay symbol with her hand. I nodded at her as I helped her up from the floor. I put my arm around her waist to hold her close, even though I knew she could probably stand on her own, I wanted, no needed, to hold her just so I could reassure myself that she was fine. I looked up at Jackson, and what I saw was actually quite scary. He seemed almost mad... Was he pissed because someone was going after Madison? If he was I didn't quite understand why. The girl slapped him last night, but I also don't know what happened after we left? What ever happened last night has seemed to really affect him. I began to walk with Heather to Jackson's car, he followed behind us. When we got to the car I opened Heather's door for her in the front and slid into the back seat myself as Jackson started the car. He slowly started to drive over the bridge and on to the East's territory. 

"Hey Heather? Who's out to get Madison? It seems like its really bothering her..." I asked as I leaned forward into the front.

"Richard. Her ex boyfriend from two years ago. When our grandfather passed, Richard was supposed to have been next in line for leadership since his father was second in command and too old to take the position himself. That didn't happen though since me and Madison were grandfathers only blood family in the mafia that was willing to follow his footsteps. So we had gotten it instead of Richard, and he didn't like that. They had been dating for a year when he tried to pull a stunt on her. He tried to send her to Mexico to get her caught up in sex trafficking. She managed to avoid all that mess since she had caught him making the phone call to her buyer... After that night he was arrested. But now that he's broken out of jail, he wants what he claims to be his. Even if he has to kill for it..." She told us in a sad tone as she looked out the window.

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