A night to remember

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***Madison P.O.V***

"Why the fuck--" I had began to yell but was shortly cut off.

"That sounds like a great idea Jackson!" Heather chimed in with a smirk.

"No. No. Nope! We are not doing this!" I began to complain.

"Tks, tsk, tsk, I think you're starting to forget who's older here little sister..." Heather said to me with a sick grin.

I had opened my mouth to continue the debate but it didn't do me any good since Heather had grabbed Chris by his arm and quickly pulled him to the door.

"Ta Ta loves! Remember to use protection!" Heather sang before she left the room by slamming the door.

My face instantly heated into a dark shade of red. I didn't know what was coming over me. Usually when I was put in a situation like these I could keep my cool, but the thought of being intimate with Jackson was... Something else.

"So you're the younger sister huh? I would've never guessed." Jackson told me with a soft smile.

"Yea, most people wouldn't..." I told him as I looked at the floor, face still on fire.

"You look so cute when you blush." He told me with a smirk.

This didn't help me calm down. It only my face hotter. I looked up and glared at him, face still burning.

"Sh-shut the hell up!" I stumbled to get out.

"Fine, fine. Just go get a shower, I'm pretty sure I have clothes you can wear." He told me with a small chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the other end of the room where the bathroom door was located. I walked in and shut the door. I peeled off my dress and undergarments. I placed them all on the counter. I walked over to the shower and fiddled around with the dials in the shower until I had finally figured it out. I had put it on the hottest setting and stepped in. It felt amazing. I was so angry that I couldn't feel how cold I was.

As I stood in the shower my mind began to wonder. I was thinking about why Jackson had to bring up my parents. They were a whole different subject on their own. In my younger ages we were a fairly happy family. Nothing special about us. Once I became old enough to form my own opinions, that's where the trouble really started. If my opinions didn't match theirs, I was wrong. My father made sure I knew I was wrong too; in more ways than one.

I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel on the near by rack. I dried my body off and wrapped it around my body. Once I had stepped put of the shower I didn't see my clothes any more, instead there sat a pair of sweat pants and a button up shirt. I raised my eyebrow and walked over to it. I moved the clothes around and found a pair of men's boxers under it all. I wasn't complaining, I like wearing men's shorts, the only problem was that I didn't have a bra. I sighed in irritation and began to dress my self. Once I had the under ware and sweats on, I searched the bathroom for an ACE bandage. And sure enough. I had sound one. I began to loosely wrap my chest. Once I had finished I looked at my self in the mirror and realized I had made a make shift push up bra. I smiled at myself as I realized I didn't appreciate my self enough. I grabbed the button down shirt and slid it on. I began to button it up, as I reached the very top button I realized that it stopped just above the ACE bandage. I sighed in irritation, again, because my whole chest was now exposed. Frankly I didn't have the time to mess with this so I decided to just leave it alone. I opened the bathroom door and walked out. What I saw standing by the bed was really a sight to see.

Standing next to the bed was Jackson. He stared out the window with a very solemn look on his face. I started intently trying to get a read on the emotions going through his head. Saddly my time was cut short as he spoke. 

"Done with your shower love?" He asked without looking at me.

I nod and rub my arm. I wasn't sure what to say as my mind was still trying to figure out what he could've been thinking about. He turned to look at me and gave me a half smile. 

"I know that look Missy. Let me save you the trouble. Don't worry about it." He tells me as he walks up to me. 

He pats me on the head before walking into the bathroom to shower. 

I sighed softly as I waited for my face to cool down. As it did I began to look around the room. It was nicely painted with a dark red and an almost golden color. The walls were ordained with classical pieces of art work, velvet drapes, and dimly lit wall lamps that extrude from the walls ever so slightly. It was really quite pretty. My attention slowly made it's way over to the closet the one that I was told to stay out of. 

My curiosity got the better of me and I made my way to its double open oak doors. As I opened it I realized that it was actually quite deep. I slowly walked in and in the very back of the closet was a wide wall. On that wall I saw a shrine of some sort it looked like it was for his parents. The shrine was tastefully put together. You could plainly see bits and pieces of their lives on display. The display was so well and thoughtfully put together that I couldn't help but get teary eyed, and even a little jealous. I had extended my hand out to touch one of the pictures of them but I was suddenly stopped when a hand wrapped around my wrist and pull me away from the shrine. I snapped my attention to Jackson and boy was he pissed. His black hair was in front of his face and dripping with water. His chiseled body wore a white towel, hanging low on his hips.

"What the fuck did I tell you about going in here?" He growled in a low deep tone.

I looked at the floor; ignoring the question as I struggled to keep my emotions under control from the rollercoaster I was putting them on. Then I felt him grab my other wrist and slowly back me against the wall.

"Awe, what's wrong love? You have nothing to say now? Where's the fire of the girl who doesn't listen." He growled in my ear.

I continued to bite on my bottom, keeping my gaze down. That's when I realized that he had nothing but a towel on around his waist. Instantly my face was flushed with a red glow. I began to struggle against him with closed eyes, quickly I realized that my attempts were for nothing,  I knew I had to say something before it went too far.

"I-I'm sorry for your loss... I can..." I trailed off, trying to choose my words carefully. "I can related to the m-mounds of emotion that you feel day in and out..." stammered out of my mouth as I looked up at him; meeting his angered gaze. 

His face had softened. There was no more rage in his eyes. Only peace. He dropped my wrists and placed his hands on my hips. He lowered his head to my shoulders and rested his head on it. I smiled softly and combed his wet hair through my fingers.

"You're one of the few people who have shown me sympathy... Everyone else has been putting responsibilities on me since their death." He whispered to me.

I smiled and wrapped my hands around his waist and hugged him tightly. I get it. A sudden experience like this with so much to follow it could be hard. 

I would know.

"Well I'm honored to know Jackson. I'm sure the business is just getting to you." I whispered back to him.

With out another word he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. As if by instinct I wrapped my arms around his waist tighter as he held me in his arms in a hug. This was a hug I wished would never end. He walked us out if the closet and over to the bed. I gently laid myself down and smiled at him. He smiled back and went over to the closet to get dressed.

I laid there on the bed with the faintest smile on my face. Maybe Jackson isn't as bad as I thought. I could give him a chance.

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