Parents. (Part 1)

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***Heather's POV***

The ride home from the adoption was short but it was plenty of time to think of a name for this little guy. Chris and I had settled on 'Max' because we wanted him to live his life to the max. Stupid I know, but it really does suite him well.

"Okay you two. We're here." Chris announced as he pulled up to the front of the building.

"Yay! I can't wait to show Max to Madison and Jackson! Speaking of which, I hope that the two of them made up..." I said as I climbed out with Max in arms.

"Mmm, I think that they're doing just fine." Chris said as he walked me up to the door.

"Hm? Why do you say that?" I questioned as I looked up at him.

"Well for starters, their sweaty and bruised bodies are snuggling on the couch." Chris states as he opens the door and points at them.

I looked in the direction on his index finger and saw exactly what he said I would. Madison was still in her work out clothes with her legs over Jackson's lap. If I remember correctly, Jackson wasnt shirt-less when he got here, but he sure as hell was now. The only thing he wore were sweat pants that I had to assume were Eli's. I walked up to the back side of the couch and hovered over them.

"Hey you two~" I cooed.

Madison looked up at me and smiled. Then she looked at Max who still rested in my arms.

"Oh my god! Is that a dog?!" Madison exclaimed as she put her arms out for Max.

I slowly handed him to her since I was fearful that she'd pop his head off.

"Oh my goodness!! He's so cute!!" Madison exclaimed as she snuggles him.

"Oh wow. That's freaking cute." Jackson commented as he leans in a rubs his head.

Then Jackson groaned and slowly sat back in his normal position,

"You okay man?" Chris asked as he came up behind Jackson, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jackson tensed and groaned again.

"Yeah. Fine man." Jackson states behind gritted teeth.

"Oh he's a huge liar. I kicked his ass." Madison states as she hands Max back to me.

"Haha! I Fucking knew it!" I exclaimed as I took Max back into my arms.

"Awe, come on princess. We dont need the small people of Mars knowing that he got his ass handed to him by a girl."Chris jokes.

"Wait. Are you saying that just because I'm a girl, I shouldn't be able to kick his ass?" Madison asked as she cocked an eye brow.

"U-uh... N-no..." He stammered as he took shelter behind Jackson.

"Mhm, that's what I thought." Madison says with a smirk as she crosses her arms.

"But to level the playing field, he did pretty good himself." Madison adds as she holds up her bruised fore arms and stretches to show her also bruised sides and stomach.

"God Damn girl, its about time you found someone who could even touch you!" I exclaimed in joy as I roughly patted his shoulder.

Madison hissed softly and flinched.

"Oh, my bad." I chuckled.

"I-Its okay. Also I think we need to--" Madison began to say.

"Excuse me ma'ma?" A security officer interrupted Madison.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked shortly.

"There is a car out front with a middle aged couple out front. They're claiming to be your parents." He informed her.

Almost instantly I could feel Madison's aurora darken. In an instant I knew who the couple was, they were our parents, and I knew they were coming. Why didn't I say any thing? Madison has enough on her plate right now.  As much as I would like to see them I would have to do that on my own time. Madison and I have talked about this a few times, we've come to the agreement that either one of us could leave to see them at any time but they could not come here. Seems like that rule doesn't apply to them. I told them when they first stated they were coming over but they're too stubborn to listen. This wasn't un-common since our parents and her never really saw eye-to-eye. 

"No. They cant come in. They're not aloud on the property." Madison states quickly as she stands up from the couch.

"Yes ma'am." The security guard said quickly then exited.

"What the hell is her deal?" Chris asked as he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Well... Our parents and Madison never really got along. It was always constant fighting. So one night we just left and never looked back." I told him back in a whisper.

"How did you get along with your parents?" Chris asked me.

"Mmm... If I really thought about it, I guess we never really fought... It was pretty neutral between us. I was mostly fearful that I would just add to the chaos..." I whispered softly.

"Well by the way things turned out it seems like you two made the right collective choice, but you made the best choice of choosing to stick with her. Who knows where she would be..." Chris trailed off.

"Well guessing by her antics, probably a prostitute." Heather jokes with a chuckle.

Before Chris could add to the joke, a series of tapping echoed through the lobby. Everyone stopped their conversations and turned to the front door. A woman with orange hair and grey streaks came walking into the lobby, her heels announcing her presence. Her face had few wrinkles, only frown lines around her mouth and a line between her eyebrows. Shortly after came bouncing man. Slightly plump he was but never the less he was smiling. His brown hair waxed back as laugh lines covered his face. These people, were our parents.

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