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***Chris P.O.V.***

There weren't any thorns in my ass. I just wanted to spend more time with her. The way she was so kind to me was unbelievable. Especially since I'm not someone she knows... As I glanced down at her as she lead me to the desk, her laugh rung through my head, her smile flash in my mind. I smiled at myself and thought

'There's no way in hell someone so small and sweet could actually be a mafia leader. Right?'

Since I became so lost in my thoughts about the goddess next to me I hadn't realized that she had been talking to me.

"Okay thorn-os (Thanos😂), when shall I begin operating tonight?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

I chuckled at her poorly made joke and started to lay face down on the desk. I knew that the guy was busy hosting his party, or getting his ass handed to him by the brunette. I carefully got myself situated on the desk, back side facing her; I heard her go into combustion with laughter once again, only this time she was on the floor. I raised an eye brow at her as I looked at her over my shoulder. 

"Whats so funny princess?" I asked with a smile smile.

Almost in an instant she stopped laughing and her face heated up instantly. I had never seen a girls mood change so suddenly. She stood up so she was looking at me on a more level field. She cleared her throat.

"Um... It looks like you're on your... Period..." She confessed to me.

I chuckled at her and shook y head. There was no way in hell I ACTUALLY had thorns in my ass. Right? I turned my head a little further in an attempt to look at my back side. Holy Shit. She was right. It did look like I was on my period. What made it worse was that I was wearing an all white suit. I groaned with annoyance and turned my head back around only to hang it in annoyance. 

"So, what's the call doc?" I questioned with a sad chuckle.

She giggled some at the terrible joke and looked at me.

"What's up is not going to be your pants. Loose them." She told me with the most serious face.

The simple fact the there wasn't a single sign of joking around showed me how serious she was about this.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, not even a first date love?" I said with a chuckle as I turn my head back to look at her. .

She had crossed her arms and tapped her fingers on her arm. I sighed and nodded my head as I began to shimmy off my pants. She made her way to the bathroom and I could hear her rummaging through the cabinets.

I did as I was told staying on the desk, with my exposed moon completely up. This is not how I pictured how I'd get to know her... I had pictured us sitting on the floor or something with a bottle of wine and we simply talked, but that didn't seem to be the plan for tonight. I sighed as I put my forehead on the table and waited for her to come back out.

Soon enough she did come back in with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, tweezers, and a bag of cotton balls. I glanced at her from over my shoulder. It was clear that she was avoiding what was hanging between my legs. I kind of felt bad that I couldn't do anything with it. I mean its not as flexible as everyone thinks it is...

"Okay, you're going to feel a slight sting on your ass..." She warned me as she dipped a cotton ball into the cleaning solution.

I nodded my head and sighed softly. I glanced down at my watch and realized that it was 5 minutes until 11 o'clock. I knew that the ball would be ending soon. Usually I'd be thankful for this to end but not tonight. I didn't want her to leave me. She made me feel safe and happy. I gritted my teeth and waited for the burning feeling. Thankfully it never happened. Unfortunately, the door opened.

I threw my attention to a drenched Jackson and Heather's sister. What really made me laugh was her reaction to seeing me naked on a table. The way she covered her eyes and tried to walk away made her seem like a little kid. The fact the Jackson had grabbed her and held her didn't help with what I saw.

"Okay... Are we interrupt something here..." Jackson had asked.

"Uh, well long story short thorn-os here sat on a rose bush and got his period early." Heather explained to them with a giggle.

"So that means you porky pig it in my bed room? On my desk?" Jackson asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Uh... Yep!" I told him with a smile of innocence.

"So what happened to you two? It looks like you were sprayed with a garden hose..." I said carefully, for I still feared for my life.

"Well doll face decided to enter a trap-shooting competition when she wasn't invited..." Jackson trailed off as the girl in his arms butted in.

She shoved her self out of his grip and looked up at him as if she would claw his throat out. She very well could have, I wasn't going to doubt it for a minute.

"Excuse you! That's not what happened! Mr.Asshole here decided to interrupt my turn to shoot at a clay pigeon but no! He wants to tell me that I'll break a nail! So me being me I figured out a way to shoot anyways! After I made a hit on it I gave him a playful punch! And due to his low center of gravity, he starts falling into the pool only to take me down with him! I almost Fucking drowned!" The brunette ranted with anger.

"Listen princess, I'm sorry that mommy and daddy handed you everything on a sliver platter and you never learned how to be in the real world, but you had it coming so stop playing victim!" Jackson yelled at the girl.

I watched the brunette stand there with fire in her eyes, anger in her body, and blood from her hands. Wait what? I looked at her hands and saw that she was digging her nails into her hands. I sat up and tapped Heather's shoulder.

"Hey, I think your sister is digging her nails into her own skin..." I whispered into her ear.

Instead of her going into a panic she gave a defeated sigh and nodded her head. She walked over to her sister and grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the tension of their argument.

"What the hell have I told you before about doing this?" Heather asked her sister in a soft tone.

"I know, I know... I'm sorry..." The sister told heather in a soft tone.

I watched as Heather simply shook her head and began to lead her sister to the bed. She sat down as her sister began cleaning on her hands. I was expecting her to flinch in pain but that didn't happen. I studied her face and I could sense an extinguish flame look on her face. It almost seemed like her mind was elsewhere... 

I sighed softly and stood up; pulling my pants back up. I walked over to Jackson and whispered something in his ear.

"Listen man. That was a little harsh... You need to apologize..."

"What the hell should I apologize to her? She brought this upon herself!" He whisper shouted back at me.

"You guys are both in the wrong. If you apologize first I'm sure she'll follow right after you!" I told him with a smile.

"Fine, fine, just stop looking at me like that okay?" He told me with a sigh and walked over to the girls.

I smiled to myself as I stood in the doorway, watching the scene play out. 

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