Final Moments

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***Heather's POV***

"Get those vests on now. Load up your guns and magazines. Get out there and do what we came here to do. Whether they're gone or not, we finish the job."


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I took my seat in the front of the van. I waited while Chris and Eli got their needed supplies together. I sighed and rubbed my face.

'God I hope that they are all okay... Fuck I wish I could go out there with them..." I thought to myself.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I walked in the face with a solid object. I opened my eyes and glared at Chris who looked down at me with a boyish grin. I looked at his hand as he held up a vest. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked with slight annoyance.

"Well, I thought that you'd like to join Eli and I out on the field," Chris tells me as he fiddles with the vest.

"You heard my sister, she wants me to stay here in the van--"

"No, I heard her, the whole floor did, but she failed to think of something though... what if someone gets hurt out there on the field? There's a high chance that we won't get back to you in time. So suit up and grab your own supplies, it's time to go." Chris explains then tosses me my own vest.

I gave him my best smile and hopped out of my seat. Just another reason why I take a liking to this man. He always has the best interest for me despite what other people may think.

I slid my vest over my shirt and began lacing it up so it was fastened securely to my body. Once that was done I grabbed my first aid bag and threw it over my shoulders. I rummaged through some of the leftover supplies and settled on a few materials such as; two grenades, and regular sized pocket knife, and a candy bar. So what if I'm hungry? I gotta eat something!

After everyone was fully equipped we exited the van. We made our way through the back entrance of the park and carefully weaved in between the ruins. Eli presumably took lead since he knew the park better than anyone. He crouched down behind a tipped over teacup from one of the rides. On instinct, Chris and I followed behind him.

"If my research was correct, Richard keeps a small group with him, roughly seventy-five people, and that looks like all of them. Looks like they're having a meeting with each other at the moment." Eli informed.

I ducked walked next to Eli so I could get a good look at what he was describing. I knew that there was no good way to sneak around them without being caught. If we revealed our hiding spot then there's an extremely high chance of us being killed. Our best bet would be to take them all out at once... but how would we do that? they were roughly one hundred feet away...

Then it hit me.

"Chris. Eli. I have a plan, But I need you too, lift up this teacup so we can all climb under it." I frantically whispered as I rummaged through my bag for something.

"Chris and I can do that, but I have to ask why..." Eli whispered back as he and Chris slowly lifted up the cup.

"You'll see..." I mumbled as I pulled out one of the grenades.

I wrapped my hand around its handle as I pulled its pin out. I quickly stood up from my position and threw it right into their circle. Just as quickly as it was gone from my hands, we were all under the teacup. I was sandwiched between Eli and Chris as we all plugged our ears. Not even five seconds later the earth shook violently as a loud boom rung through the air. With all of our hearts beating rapidly (I could feel their heartbeats as they could feel mine) we all sat under this cup for what felt like hours when it was only a few minutes before we decided to emerge and look around. As our ears rang we looked at the scene that was laid out before us. Scattered human remains broken weapons and broken equipment that was already destroyed. I looked up into the sky and watched as an orange cloud swirled through the winds.

"Wow, so this is why you don't piss off an Italian girl?" I heard Chris Joke as my hearing started to come back.

I chuckled softly and shook my head. Even in the worse situations, he always knew how to make things better.

"L-Love...I-Is that you?" I heard an all too familiar voice call out from behind me.

I quickly turned around and my breathing hitched. Tears fell down my cheeks as a lump formed in my throat. Standing in front of me was a blue-eyed blonde that I thought I had lost forever.

"B-Bobby..." I breathed as I ran up to him and wrapped my self around him.

I thought I had lost him forever, I thought he was gone.

"Sh, sh, sh, it's okay love, it'll all be okay soon," Bobby whispered in my ear.

I nodded as I sobbed into his shoulder. As I wishing that this moment wouldn't end, it did. I felt my body being ripped away from Bobby's. By the time I opened my eyes I watched as Chris held Bobby by he throat and threw him where the grenade had gone off.

"Chris! What the fuck!" I cried as I held on to Eli's arm.

"He was going to stab you in the back Heather! Literally!" Chris yelled back as he held up a dagger.

My heart felt as if someone tore it to shreds.

"Wh-What?" I mumbled as my tears slowly stopped falling.

"While you two were hugging he pulled this from his pocket and he was going to stab you!" Chris yelled as he threw the dagger.

Eli slowly put me down. As he did so my blood began to boil with anger.

"He faked his death and put all of us through hell as we mourned! Why the fuck would he do that?" I yelled out.

"Well the answer is quite simple really, I fell in love with the enemy. And faking my death was so much easier than I thought, those tables of concrete, just slipped under one of those and waited for Richard to come get me." Bobby explained as he picked himself up.

"That's right he did. He has made my job quite easier to get done." A Hispanic voice spoke up.

I watched as Richard and Bobby stood next to each other, staring us down like prey.

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