Figuring it out

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***Jackson POV***

After the whole "Richard meet and greet" I've been more interested in Madison. It seems like she's been in a lot of shit before. I didn't think any less of her. Hell, I thought it only made her hotter. As I tore apart the damaged furniture I took a glance at Madison. She had changed into a pair of black denim shorts and a red v-neck t-shirt. Her still un-brushed hair was now pulled back into a pony tail. She had so much hair it was insane. Her hair had barely passed her bottom when it was down. I took a nice long look at her. I couldn't believe that someone like her is willing to give me a chance. I was pulled from my day dream as Eli approached me with a smirk.

"What are you smirking at Eli?" I asked with a raised eye brow.

Eli was their hacker. He was a Damn fine hacker too. Even with their cameras getting infected with a virus last night, he managed to by pass it and get everyone out before it was too late. I had respect for him.

"Just you Jack. I see the way you look at Madii. There's no hiding the fact that you like her." Eli said as he crossed his arms.

Damn, was it really that noticeable? I thought I was pretty good at hiding it...

"Damn, not only are you good with computers, you're good at reading people as well." I told him with a chuckle.

"A gold fish could see it man." He joked as he patted my back a few times.

I laughed with him. I guess its been a while since I've really ever had a love interest, let alone a love life.

"Now listen man. We all really care for her. She's like an older sister to us all. Well minus the fact that we're all older than her, except for Jacob. Never the less, she's the older sister. If you end up hurting her... Its not going to end well for you alright? Richard really fucked her up. Like, really bad. To the point she almost starved to death. We like you man, don't give us a reason not to okay?" Elijah told me with a firm grip in my shoulder.

As happy Eli was I knew that he was dead serious. I didn't think he had this in him. His threat that he made didn't bother me as much as the fact that Madison almost starved herself. I looked Eli in the eyes and smiled. I removed one of my gloves and extended my hand to him.

"You got my word man. I promise to treat Madison with nothing but respect. After all the Shit she's been through I think she deserves happiness. Even now when the story is just starting. I know it will only get worse from here but that still doesn't give me a reason to abandon her." I informed Eli from the bottom of my heart.

At first I was a little worried that he didn't believe me. For a split second I asked my self why the hell I cared. Then I remembered that this was her family. Her parents she had chosen to leave them. So in reality it did mean a lot that that everyone here likes me. Even if no one here was blood related, except Heather and Madison, they all took care of each other as family.

"I trust you to up hold your word Jackson." Eli said suddenly as he grabbed my hand and shook it.

Never have I ever been so grateful for a hand shake. I knew that I was just accepted into a new family. I smiled at him and gripped his hand back.

"Thank you Eli. That means a lot." I smiled at him.

He nodded at me and went back to his work. This was great, and bad. I get to freely make her happy but if I mess up I'm screwed. I had a lot to figure out, I just hoped that I can take her some where and get to know her more in depth. That little time we spent together the night of the ball wasn't enough. Not to mention I'm sure that she would like to learn about me as well. What the hell was I thinking asking her out so soon?! We've only KNOWN each other less than a week! This wasn't some teen girl fan fiction where two strangers have a love at first type of thing! Shit like this wasn't real! Okay. Okay, I need to calm down. You didn't propose to her. You only asked if you could take her on an outing. This outing is to see if we even get along. It's not like I'm making sure that she would be a good wife and loving mother to children or anything!

"Ow! God dammit!" I exclaimed as I pulled my hand away from a wood frame.

I looked down and saw that I had many splinters in my hand. I had never put my glove back on after I shook Eli's hand.

"What's wrong Jackson?" Madison asked as she began to walk over to me.

"I got splinters in my hand and they hurt like a bitch!" I told her as I glared at my hand.

I watched as she wrapped her small hands around mine and began to remove the splinters. What amazed me was how quickly and easily she did it! As violent as she is it surprises me that she can be so gentle and caring... I mean don't get me wrong! She a great person but for crying out loud she slapped me with an ice pack! I studied her face, she was focused but she almost seemed care free. The way she worked reminded me of some thing... What was it? A care giver? A nanny? An aunt? A sister?

No, it was more like a mother or wife or-

Shit! I was thinking about it!

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