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***Chris P.O.V.***

As much as I would like to say that the last three days have been a stroll through the park, I can't. The last three days have been pure chaos. Madison put Heather in charge of their New Year's party since her knee is injured. Well, Heather is really hanging on by a thread here. She likes to think she has it under control. Which she doesn't, but I'm not the one to burst her small bubble. I mean sure. She got the invites out first, that went pretty smoothly. The food situation was a little more stressful since Bobby wanted Mexican food and Heather wanted Italian. They eventually settled on both kinds of food. Since we were going to be having two kinds of food, there would be double the amounts of liquor here. Score! The main decorations for the lobby and the second floor were simple. Gold. Gold ribbons, gold napkins, plates, cups, and silverware.

Currently Heather sat at a computer as she struggled to find any entertainment. I didn't understand why though. The whole second floor was rearranged with three pool tables, a few dart boards, and two foosball tables. I thought we were all set but alas, she needed one more thing to make it "perfect".

I was heading downstairs to help all the other men in the lobby as they were moving furniture from storage out into the lobby. It has amazed me with how much space this place has! From the outside, it looks rather small. But the inside was huge. I guess this is what people meant when they say a "woman's touch". I had begun to move couches and such around until I got an email. I unlocked my phone and opened the email, it was a New Year's deal offer for a fancy clothing store. I had almost deleted it but I had remembered that Heather hadn't had a whole lot of time to go dress shopping. I looked through their offers quickly and saw a very nice looking dress. It had Heather's name all over it! I had made an online purchase and set it up to be delivered here tomorrow. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued my work.

After several hours of moving furniture around, we had finally finished. The room looked amazing. I thought we were all done, looks like I was wrong since Heather came walking in with at least ten boxes that were labeled "DECORATIONS" on a long dolly. I was going to try to convince her to let us take a break but she was on the phone. She had made an upward circular motion with her finger, telling us to get started. I knew that the woman was busy but I didn't think she was heartless! We all started to walk up to the loaded dolly and started opening boxes. Once all boxes were removed a second dolly came rolling in with fifteen boxes! At this sight, we knew that we would be here a while. I had grabbed the empty dolly and started taking it up to the elevator. I had pressed a button for it to open, as I stood there and waited for it to open, the door to the staircase was busted open and Jackson came flying out of it. The poor dude looked totally panicked. He had the perfect imprint of a rectangle on his cheek and an ice pack in his hand.

"You alright mate?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"No. Madison is following R.I.C.E," Jackson told me still winded.

"What the hell does R.I.C.E stand for?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"R.I.C.E stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. She's done a lot of Rest, Compress, and Elevate but for the life of me I can't get an ice pack on her!" Jackson tells me as he sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"Well, I can see that. Doesn't take a mind reader to figure that out." I tell him as I point as the side of his face.

"Yeah. This happened because she was napping and I tried to tie it to her knee... After some struggling I managed to get slapped with the ice pack, then she took off... I'm kind of hoping that she would come down here..."Jackson told me as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

I was actually surprised when Madison wasn't in there. It seemed like she was either on the top floor, which is off limits unless you had a death wish. There was a very slim chance that she'd actually go back to her own room. The only real option left was the third floor or some of the lower levels. The lower levels were the only place we couldn't get to since we weren't given a key card. It could be very possible that Madison went down there. I took a glance at Jackson as he sighed in defeat and walked into the elevator he knew that this was going to be a lot of work to find her. I waved him off as he waved me off. I decided to wait again for the next ride. Suddenly the staircase door opened again. This time Madison walked out of the door! She seemed fine to me, considering that there were so many stairs that she'd have to walk on. She smiled at me and continued walking until she reached the lobby and started to decorate. Guess she got tired of doing nothing. Finally, the elevator dinged again. I slid the cart into the shaft and realized that there was only room for the dolly. I pressed the button for the third floor and made my way up the stairs. On my way up I saw Jackson making his way back down.

"Hey, long time no see man. Did you find her?" I asked with an innocent smile

"Nah man. I looked everywhere. I'm going to check the lobby next." He told me as he tried to pass me.

"Really man? Do you think that Madison in her frail condition could take more than a few steps? She's probably hiding out in Heather's room." I told him as I covered her ass for her.

I hoped that it would get me some brownie points with her since I think I'm starting to form feelings for her sister. The last three days with her have shown me how fun, caring, active, productive, and smart she is. It really makes me happy to be around her. So I hoped that this deed was going to get me on her less scary side.

"Aye man! That's brilliant! Thanks for the tip!" Jackson thanked me as he tore up the stairs again.

I chuckled to my self as I continued to make my way back up to the third floor.

The current time was now ten p.m. All the decorations had been put up. The whole room looked amazing as it was dressed up in gold. As were we. What ended up happening was Jackson found Madison downstairs as she was filling plastic balls with glitter. Well, she ended up throwing some at him. Then Heather walked over and asked what the hell was going on. Jackson answered her as he dumped glitter on top of her. How did I get roped into this? I was the only one who wasn't covered in glitter. Times like these where everyone can just forget about who they really are and what they've done reminds me of my family.

I guess you could say we were the perfect family. It was my mom, dad, older sister and I. Our dad was the current boss of the Brotherhood. One day my sister was targeted and killed. Right in front of me. We were walking home from school and she was shot right in the back of the head. I was lucky enough to get away but at that moment I knew that nothing was ever going to be the same. It wasn't. Our house was divided. My parents blamed each other for her death. As I got older, more into my teen years, I was blamed by my dad for not being able to protect her. I was only seven at the time, I was scared. There was nothing I could have done. About four years ago he died of a heart attack. After he died I couldn't cry. I could only smile. I smiled because the house was lighter and everyone could breathe.

This current moment in time, as we attack each other with glitter and cry tears of laughter gave me the family I wanted all those years where we were divided. Even though we're rival Mafias, we were very close with each other. Just like family.

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