Explanations (Part 2)

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***Jackson P.O.V.***

Almost immediately everything in me snapped, I don't usually lose my cool like this but for some reason this woman drove me insane. For good or for bad? I still didn't have a clue. As soon as the last word left my mouth I knew I had crossed the line. I didn't know what her childhood was like. In this type of life style its very rare to have "normal" parents. I studied her carefully, just in case that something would snap in her as well. Instead I saw a dying flame... It seemed as if all the fire she carried around with her was slowly dying out. Almost as if she was replaying something in her mind that struck a nerve. Then I heard a faint dripping sound. I looked at the floor by her feet and saw a puddle of blood forming. I looked back up and saw that the blood was coming from her clenched fists. My eyes widened softly. As I was about to approach her, her sister beat me to it and walked her away from me to tend to her hands. I was mentally slapping myself already. As if on cue, Chris came over to me.

"Listen man. That was a little harsh... You need to apologize..." He whispered to me.

Instead of agreeing With him, I had my pride get in the way.

"What the hell should I apologize to her? She brought this upon her self!" I whisper shouted back at him.

"You guys are both in the wrong. If you apologize first I'm sure she'll follow right after you!" Chris told him with a smile.

"Fine, fine, just stop looking at me like that okay?" I told him with a sigh and walked over to the girls.

As Chris left to watch the situation play out I began to walk up to Madison as her sister had just finished wrapping her hands then went into the bathroom. I watched as Madison open and closed her hands, almost to loosen the bandages. Then she looked up at me, right into my eyes. I looked back. What I saw was quite alarming. Her once fire black eyes were dulled and were now a light brown. Instantly a wave a guilt rushed over me. I carefully grabbed her hands and looked her into the eyes.

"Listen Madison, I'm sorry for my little out burst tonight. You had every much of a right to be in the line tonight as everyone else did." I apologized to her.

I watched as she nodded her head slightly. I had expected her to pull away from my hands. Instead she held them back, not in a secure hold, instead it was kind of a limp lay. She looked dead in the eyes as she spoke.

"I'm sorry as well Jackson. You're the host of the ball this year and I over stepped the boundaries. I'm sorry." She told me with her head immediately being hanged low, avoiding eye contact.

I knew that the nerve I had hit about her parents still hurt but I could sense some emptiness in her. I sighed to myself as a little bit of the tension was released. I could still see hurt in her eyes so what I did next was even a little hard on myself. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her as I whispered.

"I mean it, I'm really sorry... About every thing... I didn't mean anything I had said. I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me?" I asked with a hint of sadness in my voice.

I didn't expect to hear a verbal answer, and I didn't. I could feel her head nod against my chest. I felt relieved that we were working to put this behind us. I don't know why I cared, but I knew that if she left with this feeling I would beat myself up about it for months. I carefully put my hands on her shoulders and backed away so I could look at her.

"Go take a shower okay? You'll be spending the night here. We cant have you going home in a wet dress." I told her with a smile.

I was kind of expecting a smile in return but instead I watched the flame in her eyes re-spark and her eyes darkened again. As much as I missed this side of her, I knew I had just side the words that wold take me to an early grave.

"Why the fuck--" she started but was cut off,

Mafia Matters {Complete}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora