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***Heather P.O.V.***

It's finally New Year's! I was more excited than I should have been but I had worked my ass off for this party to go so smoothly! I rolled out of bed and grabbed a quick shower. I had yet to remove all the glitter from last night. As fun as that was it was a mess. On the plus side, we managed to nicely decorate the floor! As I stood in the shower and scrubbed my arms with a shower poof, I made a mental recap of the last few days.

Food. Check.

Decorations. Check.

Entertainment. Check.

Invitations. Check.

Countdown clock. Being installed now.


Shit! I forgot to pick up a dress!

I groaned in irritation and turned off the water. I had decided to leave the remaining glitter in my hair since it fits really well with the theme. As I was starting to dry myself off there was a knock at the door.

"Now What?" I groaned

I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and exited the bathroom as my hair still dripped. I opened the door and expected to be greeted by someone. I wasn't. I was greeted by the blank wall on the other side of the hallway. I poked my head out into the hallway and looked to the right and only saw the empty section of the hallway. I looked to the left and saw the elevator. It was shut but the buttons that were placed over the door told me someone was going down. I closed my eyes and tilted my head down as I shook my head. What was this? An altered version of ding dong ditch? I opened my eyes and right in front of my feet, I saw a plain white box. I picked it up. It was a pretty decent weight. I brought it inside and shut the door behind me. I set the box on my desk and removed the packing tape, and packing airbags. Underneath all of the packing material was a simply stunning dress. The main material was a faded pink color with gold and silver appliques across the shoulders that trailed down to the bottom of the dress. There were a few specks around the bottom of the sleeves. The dress looked exactly like something I would wear. I gently set it aside and saw a small purse with a chained strap, shoes that were covered in glitter, pearl earrings that had a splash of gold, and a set of bracelets that matched perfectly. The whole thing seemed too good to be true. I carefully packed everything into the box and shut it as a wide-smiled pulled on my lips. I knew exactly who did this. I made my way back to the bathroom to finish getting ready for tonight.

The time is currently eleven p.m. I had just finished styling my hair in waves and my make up was a pretty natural style. I didn't like wearing too much makeup because it made me feel like a fancy dessert. The only thing that I decided to do differently was gold eyelids. I felt like the outfit needed some more shimmer. As I put my last shoe on, I stood up from the bed and walked over to my full-length mirror. I had to admit. I looked great. The dress showed off the tonnage in my legs very well, the sleeves hugged me very nicely and showed off the best qualities of my arms. My hair looked especially good tonight since the orange complimented the dress excellently. I smoothed my dress out against my body and made my way to the elevator.

Shortly I was downstairs in the lobby. I walked around until I found the person I was looking for. Chris. Why was I only looking for him? I think I was starting to catch feelings for him. I wasn't mad or even confused on what I was doing I knew exactly what this was. I could only hope that he felt the same about me. I've only had one or two boyfriends but they all ended up hurting me. Was I still hung up over then? Nah, I can't be hung up over someone who isn't breathing anymore. I could thank Madison for that. A normal sister would call me an idiot and console me. Not her. She was always telling me to live for my self, and I did. But when I had gone downhill she would pull me back up and go take care of some "stuff". I had a strong feeling in my gut that she wouldn't have to do that this time.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I could hear his laugh bellow in front of me. He was standing next to Jackson and a few other girls. For whatever reason, I didn't like the idea of him with another woman. I growled softly to myself and walked over to Chris and grabbed his arm, wrapping my arms around it. He looked down at me and his gazed widened. The way he looked at me was amazing. He looked at me like I was a goddess. I knew I wasn't but it was nice he acknowledged me this way. I looked up and smiled back at him. I took a quick glance at the women who were original with them, they were sending death glares my way. I didn't care. I got what I wanted. I watched as they moved away from Chris and I. I knew Madison wasn't going to like the idea of other girls around Jackson. I knew I didn't have anything to worry about since Madison would be down shortly.

"Wow... You look... I can't even describe it... Amazing... Stunning... Just won't cut it this time" he told me as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

My face heated up to blush as I nuzzled my face into his forearm. God, I loved the way he smelt. It reminded me of my father. Did I miss them? Sure I did. Was I banned from seeing them? No. Then why didn't I? I think I was worried that they would force me to come back home and be a housewife. Even if I am an adult I knew they would still try to control my life. I shooed them from my thoughts and continued to snuggle on Chris.

"Hey shortcake. Look at Jackson. He's swarmed with more woman in skimpy dresses. Which one do you think he'll take to bed later?" Chris asked me with a deep laugh.

"Hm, I think he'll take my sister to bed tonight..." I blurted out without thinking.

"Why do you say that? She's not even down here yet..." Chris said to me.

"I know an uneasy guy when I see one. Uneasy is written all over him. He won't take any of them home tonight." I informed Chris as I poked his side.

"Haha, you're probably right. Plus I think he has the hots for your sister." Chris informed me with another laugh.

I nodded my head in agreement because I knew exactly what he was talking about. We have seen the ways they look at each other. I may not know Jackson very well but I know my sister will never admit that she likes Jackson. Speaking of my sister. Here she comes now.

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