Happy Times. (Part 2)

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***Madison POV***

"Chiudi tutto, oh, prima che io infili il mio cazzo di culo nei buchi del culo!" I swore at the three idiots in the back.

(Shut the fuck up all of you before I shove my fucking foot up your ass holes!)^

I had forgotten I was on the phone with Heather. The three idiots in the back were screaming Justin Beiber song, "baby" at the top of their lungs. Not to mention that I couldn't hear a word that she was saying! I mostly wanted them to stop since they were giving me a headache.

"God Damn honey, looks like some one needs some dick ASAP! Jackson youre needed!" Bobby announced to the front of the car where Jackson and I sat.

My face instantly flushed. Not with embarassment. God no since he was dead on right but the fact he even said it while Jackson was in the car was what really did it. I un-buckled my seat belt and turned in my seat. I locked eyes with him and glared deeply into his soul. Before he had a chance to hide behind Eli, I lunged at him and drove a fits right into his chest. 

"Shut the fuck up Bobby!!" I yelled as he began to wheeze.

I slumped back into my seat and crossed my arms as I began to pout. I was now beginning to become embarrassed. Having Jackson in the car, hearing all of that, was really started to get to me. Out of nowhere the was laughing. I turned back around in my seat to glare at the three idiots in the back seat. To my surprise no one back there was laughing. They all had a terrified look pointing at Jackson. That's when I realized it was him laughing. I turned back around and looked out my window. It wasn't him laughing that made me blush so hard, it was his laugh. I loved his laugh. I could listen to it for hours!

"Baby girl. Its okay. But just in case you wanted my opinion, I'd gladly give it to you." He told me as he placed a hand on my upper thigh.

I bit my lip as my face continued to redden. I was now even more embarrassed. How that was even possible was beyond me. Just having his hand on my thigh was really triggering me.

"Sh-shut up you a-asshole..." I managed to get out.

He chuckles and shakes his head softly. I was about to ask him what he thought was so funny but I bit my lip harder since he gave my thigh a tight squeeze before removing his hand. I hated him but I still cared about him. Love him? No way in hell. Too soon. This isn't some fairy tale Shit.

With in ten minutes we pulled into the bumpy parking lot of the carnival. I cant remember the last time I was here. When I was still with my parents I guess...

"I cant wait to gorged myself of deep fired diabetes!!" Eli blurted out as he pulls Jacob and Bobby out of the car with him.

I sigh and climb out of the after them. Today was going to be a long day. Especially when I have to babysit some of the most bad ass people I know... As I shut my car door Jackson came walking around to me. I smiled up at him. He smiled back at me. We were awkward.

"Hey, so um, listen. I'm sorry about that. I was just playing along... I'm sorry." He told me sheepishly.

I thought it was so fucking cute! Nothing is more attractive than a guy who apologizes!

"Its Okay. I'm not mad. This time. Next time I cut your hand off. You hear me?" I playfully threaten him.

He flashed me a toothy smile that made me smile back. 

"Okay. I promise. I won't unless I have permission. Now, you ready to have a day to remember?" He asked as he put his arm out for me to grab.

With out hesitation I grabbed onto his arm. He lead me up to the entrance where the other three stood in line giggling like a troop of girl scouts. It was almost sad really...

After everyone received a wrist band we entered the carnival. It was truly magical inside. There were rides that barely passed exception. Foods that could clog your arteries with one bite. Menus with over priced food. Even stuffed animals that will probably rip in half with in a week of being brought home.

"Come on. Lets get something to eat." Jackson said as he smiled down at me. 

"Sure, that sounds good to me, then we can go on all the rides." I told him with a smile.

"Oh honey! All that food will go right to your hips! But I'll join you because I'm hungry..." Bobby chimed in.

"I heard that the hot dogs here contain zebra meat!!" Jackson stated with a grin.

"That's gross mate. I mean sure, got dogs are full of "meat" but I doubt that  there's zebra meat in it..." Eli states with crossed arms.

"Can we please stop talking about this?! I quite happen to like hot dogs!" I blurted out to stop all the conversation. 

That's when everyone busted out in laughter. I blushed in embarrassment and let go of Jackson's arm so I could storm to the food court. I knew that they were following behind me because their insane laughter never grew quieter. Only louder. When I finally got to the food court I turned around and slapped the three idiots across the face. I didn't hit Jackson since he was the only one not laughing at me. The three stopped laughing and were now choking down their laughter. I rolled my eyes and took a seat at an empty table. 

"How does pizza sound to every one?" Jackson asked as he stood at the front of the table. 

"Yes please!" I announced

"Sure mate." Eli states.

"Ooh yes!" Bobby sings.

"Sounds good to me man." Jacob says during a yawn.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!" Jackson announced then left. 

I slumped in my chair some and sighed softly. Even though I was supposed to be relaxing I couldn't. I knew Richard was out there, and he'd strike again. All I could do was try it ignore it for toda-- 

My phone is ringing. I sigh in annoyance and answer the phone.

"Speak." I groaned.

"I'm the one who give orders here princessa~" spoke the voice on the other side of the line.

My blood ran cold but my body heated up.

"Listen you Bastard! I have a bone to pick with you! Where the hell are you!" I yelled through my teeth into the phone.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Such a temper. Guess I'll have to fix that..." He hisses into the phone. 

Before I could ask what the hell he was talking about a loud explosion rang through the air, a violent shaking spread through the floor, and loud screaming of men, women, and children. I instantly began to panic. I knew that everyone else was here but guessing based off if what happened last night. I had to guess Richard was behind this and was going after me.

As the whole park broke out In a panicked state I did to. I didn't know what blew up but I soon found out when the cement cover above us was staring to crack. I looked at the boys and they looked back at me.

"Evacuate the park. If any children are behind get them out to the parking lot. Get everyone you can off the rides, there maybe more explosives. Lastly if you see Richard, do. Not. Engage." I ordered sternly.

All their childish traits were gone now. They were there to work. Before any one could move I felt the cement start the break and crumble above us. As I looked up I saw the whole structure start to move down towards us. Like a dumb ass all I could do was stand there and watch. Out of no where I felt my body being pushed from my spot and out into the sunlight. I turned my head to see who took my place. It was Bobby, I tried to reach out to grab him as if to save him, but I couldn't... The cement had fallen right on top of him. He was gone. One of my oldest friend was gone. Forever.

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