Work it Out

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***Jackson POV***

"Tata Jacky! Don't let me down!" She sang as she walked out.

There I stood... In the middle of a lobby with a magical key card. I sighed heavily and walked into the elevator. I slid the card into the slot that sat below all the other buttons and pulled it out quickly. The little red light next to the slot switched from red to green and the elevator began to move. I casually slipped the card into my back pocket and waited until the doors would open again. Soon enough they did. As I stepped out of the elevator there was a very empty feel to the hall way. It almost felt like a hall way in a hotel. The carpet was a very dark red, almost a maroon color. It was a nice color. The walls we an offset white with long half cylinder lights every foot or so. This is not what I was expecting. I was expecting a very bleak space full of gray and black metals over whelmed with the small of Marijuana. Now that's not to say that it wasn't there because you could catch faint whiffs of it every now and then. I started my journey down the hall way. As I passed each door I read the signs that were fused to the door frame softly to myself.

"Lab 1"

"Garden 1" 

"Lab 2"

"Garden 2"

" storage 1"

"Storage 2"

"Woman's rest room"

"Male's bath room"

"Fitness Facility"

'Fucking finally!' I thought to myself as if I had just found the fountain of youth.

I approached the door and placed my hand on the long door knob and pushed down on it. It didn't move. I tried it a few more times for my human nature believe that trying many times would better than only trying it once. It didn't matter. I was just about to give up when I finally realized a key card slot. I slumped my shoulders for my ignorance showing through. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the key card again. I carefully placed it into the slot and quickly pulled it back out. Just as quickly I placed my hand on the door knob again and pushed down. Finally it opened. I pushed the door back and was pleasantly pleased with what I saw. On the same wall where the door was located there were simple hand weights ranging from two ponds to ninety-five pounds that all sat on one long metal rack bolted to the walk. The wall to the right of me was full of pull up bars and dumb bell benches with weights stacked next to them. The whole wall in front of me was nothing more than a mirror with a metal bar across it. The wall to the left of me had one treadmill, a bicycle, and weighted ropes. Only these ropes were the only thing being used. As the ropes moved rapidly up and down, hitting the floor on almost a rhythmic way, I almost forget to check who was using them. When I finally snapped out of my trance I took a glance at who was using the ropes. Of course it was the one and only Madison. She wore her long hair up in a pony tail, with a sports bra and carpi spandex on. She had her back to me and her eat buds in, she had not yet noticed my presence. The real question was, how should I get her attention? I glanced around the room for something I could use. That's when I spotted a mini fridge right next to the door. I opened it up and saw ice cold water in there. I smirked to myself as I grabbed one and opened it. I walked over to her slowly and poured the water right on top of her. She had this coming. I don't feel bad about it.

"Ah! What the fuck!" She screamed as she dropped the ropes and turned around.

As I began laughing my ass off I dropped the water bottle at my feet. I was about to turn around grab her a towel but lost my footing and fall backwards.

"Shit!" I blurted out and braced for impact

Surprisingly my body stayed suspended in the air. I had never hit the floor. I opened my clenched eyes and looked down. I had realized that Madison had caught me! She had her hand under my arm pits and held me there. 

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