Turn of the Tides

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***Jackson's POV***

Just like that, the short blonde was gone. Crushed by the cement. Right before our eyes. I held Madison in my arms. She was just standing there. She didn't move. She didn't fight. She didn't... Cry. She was like an empty shell now. Even though there was chaos around us. Seeing her this way makes the world slow down in sadness. In her sadness.

"Orders haven't changed." Madison mumbled sternly.

Eli and Jacob were as empty as she was but they understood now was not the time to sulk. As they started on crowd control Madison walked forward like I wasn't even there. She walked out of my hold and turned to look at me. The look in her eyes sent shivers up my spine. Her face truly was a blank canvas. There was no trace of emotion any where on her face, but her eyes. Oh her eyes. Normally her eyes were a deep chocolate color but now, they were just black. Not life less. The exact opposite. They were over flowing with emotion but she refused to open the flood gates.

"Find Chris and Heather. Get them out of here." She ordered to me blankly.

I stood there and blinked a few times.

"No. I'm not leaving you so you can get hurt next. Even killed." I gulped.

She was starting to scare me now.

"Fine. But you don't get in my way. If you do you will be removed. Just like anyone else." She told me flatly.

I nodded my head slowly. I knew she was serious. I knew she wasn't thinking rationally right now.

We continued to walk against the wave of running people. Frantic people would hit our shoulders harshly, step on our feet, hell even yell at us telling us that we're going the wrong way. But never the less, Madison kept going. She knew where Richard was. He was at the docking station for the largest roller coaster in the park. The rails went over and around every inch of the park. Even over the food court. The reason the cement cover even broke was because when the explosion went off a cart was right above us causing it to fall right on top it, followed by large pieces of the track.

"Madison. What are you going to do when you get there? Ask him nicely to leave us alone?" I questioned once we were no longer in a screaming crowd.

"I wont be doing the talking. My little metal friend will be." She said coldly.

I watched in horror as she lifted up the back of her shirt and pulled out a simple 22-automatic from the waist band of her shorts.

"Madison, killing him wont bring Bobby back!" I yelled at her as I grabbed her forearm gently.

"I'm not doing this for Bobby! I know nothing will bring him back! I'm doing this so I can end all of this once and for all! If you don't like it Fucking leave then! I don't care what you do!" She spat at me with poison laced in her words as she looked me dead in the eyes.

Her words stabbed me right in the heart. My blood instantly began to boil with fury. I dropped her arm and glared deep into her eyes with nothing but pure anger.

"Fine! Do what ever the fuck you want because I'm done caring! You're so Fucking stubborn that if you wish to get yourself killed be my guest! I. Don't. Care!" I spat back at her with my chest rising and falling rapidly.

The look in her eyes really broke me. I could see tears brimming at the edges of her eyes. They weren't tear of hurt because I yelled at her. They were tears of frustration. Frustration from everything that has ever happened in her life. Life choices from before I even knew her. I may not have been the soul reason for these tears but I was the tipping point.

"Madison I'm sor--"

"Save it! You made your point clear to me! Just leave! All I ask is that you take Heather and Chris with you!" She yelled through sobs.

I wanted to do nothing more than hold her because everything I said to her was forged in pure anger. All I could do was let her calm down, and if her handling a firearm would do that for her. Than so be it.

"Fine. But we are going to talk about this later." I told her calmly yet firmly.

All she did was simply nod and continue on her way.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed heavily. I had orders to carry out, and I will. I turned on my heal and started running to the entrance. By now Chris and Heather must be by the entrance now. Sure enough I was right. The whole group was near the front of the park, each were doing something to help calm the chaos. Chris and Eli were comforting any lost and crying children who were separated from their parents. Heather was tending to the select few who were hurt in the incident and Jacob was standing on top of a barrel trying to keep everyone moving. As I came jogging up Heather looked up at me and sighed in relief. She scanned both sides of me in search of her sister, but when she wasn't found she walked up to me with her breathe held.

"Where is my sister? Why isn't she with you? What happened? Is she hurt?" Heather began to bombard me with questions.

A hard lump was starting to form in my throat. One I couldn't swallow. I couldn't lie to her so I wouldn't.

"Um, your sister has chosen to confront Richard. She isn't with me because we had a yelling fit. Physically she is not hurt, emotionally I'm not sure." I answered her honestly

I watched her worried face twist into something from hell. Her eyes were sparked with anger. Her eye brows were deeply knitted together. I could see her jaw clench so tightly I was afraid that her teeth would shatter. Her lips were pressed so tightly together that it looked as if they could pop. I had opened my mouth to console her, but I got a fist right to my nose instead.

"You Bastard! You know shes stubborn like a donkey! If you really did care about her them you'd actually stay by her side even during a fight! For all you know you could've sent her to her death! What if that was the last time you'd ever see her? Huh? Is that the way you want to remember her? In a fight? You should always talk to someone as if its the last time you'll ever see them! What if it was her under all that cement right now? Huh?! How would you--" Heather was in the middle of ranting but was cut.

In the distance a series of gun shots would be heard.

They were loud.

They were quick.

They were alarming.

Those sounds really did put every thing in perspective for me.

What the hell did I do?

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