What happens, happens. (Part 2)

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***Madison POV***

After Heather gave me the a-okay to blow off some steam I followed the group of men out side to the back yard. In front of the pool sat a small device used for trap-shooting. Next to it sat a box of clay pigeons. I smiled softly when I finally understood what the game was. I joined the line of men that were all dressed in black and grey suits. As I joined the line I was right behind a rather small and scrawny male. He looked to be maybe around late 20's. I tapped his shoulder softly. As he turned around I softened my face for I just wanted to ask him what model of gun he'd be using.

Instead he turned around and looked at me. It seemed as if he were going to pass out. All his color drained from him. His knees buckled slightly. He was shaking all over. I raised an eye brow at him. I extended a hand out to touch him, to give him some reassurance. Instead he screamed at a pitch only dogs should be able to hear and ran away. I sighed to my self as I put my bitch face back on. It seemed like I was only good at being bad. If that's how the world sees me then so be it.

I was ripped from my thoughts as a gun shot rung through the night. I watched the remaining bits of the clay pigeon fall just over the walk. I was mildly impressed. The pigeon must have been fairly high up, maybe 20 meters. I looked to the front of the line and my jaw dropped. At the front of the line stood my "best friend"... Mr.Asshole. He was mentally given this name for he seemed like he had something shoved up there.

For a brief moment his eyes locked onto mine. I rolled my eyes at him and looked literally any where else. But as fate may have it, Jackson began to approach me with a smug smirk on his face. I crossed my arms and looked down at the floor. I tried to make it quite clear I didn't want this prick around me. Sadly he didn't take the hint. He towered right in front me. I continued to do my best to ignore him, that was until he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up. My hatred for this man just grew on the meter.

"Hey doll face... I think your in the wrong line." He told me with a smirk.

I mentally growled to my self and smacked his hand away in disgust.

"Listen pretty boy. I don't give two shits if this line is full of men. Its either I shoot that clay pigeon or your head comes clean off. Do you understand?" I asked with a threatening tone, not taking my eyes off of his.

Surprisingly his reaction wasn't what I thought it be. All he did was laugh. I intensified my glare on him for a few seconds until I moved my attention back to the line. With all of our bickering I hadn't noticed that those in front of me had already gone. It was now my turn. I gave out a sigh of relief as I stood next to the pulley system. I separated the slit in my dress exposing a dangerous height of my thigh so I could grab my 9 mm hand gun. It wasn't anything special but it was enough to use just in case I needed to.

As I turned off the safety and loaded a bullet into the barrel I took aim into the night sky. I took a few quick breaths before I was ready. I opened my mouth to say 'pull' but I was interrupted when I felt a hand wrap around my right wrist and pull me out of my secure stance. I looked at who was pulling me and of course it was non other than Mr.Asshole.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are--" I began to shout but was cut off.

"The name is Jackson sweet pea, and to answer your next question, I won't let you shoot in this little game here. Only because we don't need you to make a scene over a broken nail now do we?" He whispered in my ear.

I shivered softly as I boiled with rage. I don't know who taught him this was okay but I wasn't having it. I quickly swapped the gun into my left hand and aimed it at the empty sky once again.

"Pull!" I yelled before Jackson (a.k.a Mr.Asshole) had time to register what was happening.

Just like that, the clay pigeon was flung into the night sky. Without a moment's hesitation, I aligned the pigeon with the metal squares on the top of the gun and pulled the trigger. In an instant the only remains of the small disc was very small chunks and dust. I lowered my gun as a huge smirk plastered to my face. I glanced up at Jackson, his expression was priceless! It was pure shock. I knew he was impressed. Honestly I was too. I had never shot with my non-dominant hand. I yanked my wrists away from his grasp and smirked up at him.

"The only thing broken here is your pride Jackson." I told him with a cocky tone as I playfully shoved him.

I guess I must have shoved him too hard or his stability was very low for he began to tip backwards in to the pool. Was I going to help him? Not a chance. The man needed to have a few pegs knocked down. I crossed my arms and began to enjoy the view. That was until he magically managed to grab my ankle and pull me in with him. My scream was drowned out by the sound of splashing water.

The pool had only been maybe 8 feet deep but that was enough feet for me to drown in. I cant swim. I swim like a rock. Having my body being pulled in really freaked me out. While Jackson bobbed to the top of the surface, I began to sink to the bottom. I tried my best to get up to the top to at least flail my arms around some, but I couldn't. All the material in my dress began to weigh me down. I thought this was how it would all end. Drowning in an asshole's pool.

My vision became slightly blurred. I was barely able to make out the out line of Jackson making his way down to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and under the bend of my knees. He began to make his way to the surface. As soon as air was available to me I began to take large gasps of air followed by violent coughing up of water. Without thinking I had clung to Jackson's shoulders as he began to emerge out of the pool.

I hadn't realized we were moving until the cold air hit me like a brick. I shivered softly and nudged into Jackson's chest. Even though we were both soaking, he was incredibly warm. I only stayed this way for a few seconds until I realized who I was snuggling. I quickly pulled away and crossed my arms over my chest.

He stood in front of me panting softly. He looked at me with his eyes laced with concern. My eyes left his as I scanned the area. The other men in the garden seemed concerned yet terrified at what could happen next. I looked back at Jackson, getting ready to threaten him for his actions but I felt my adrenaline crash and my knees gave out as I shook uncontrollably from the bitter night air. I was mentally preparing to be humiliated in front of all the men, instead, I was removed from the ground. I looked up from between my wet hair and saw Jackson carrying me towards the house. As he walked I realized that he was warm. For a moment of relief I gave into the situation at hand. 

As he made his way back into the house he entered through a side door and made his way up the stairs. After a few minutes of an awkward silence I decided to speak.

"I can walk on my own you know. I'm not a child." I stated.

"Oh is that so? Then why can't you swim? Hm? You also couldn't manage to walk away from me." He states with a smirk on his lips.

I had opened my mouth to protest and argue with him but he had tossed my body up slightly so that he could preposition his hands in a better spot. That wasn't a problem. Just where he put them was. He had wrapped one around the small of my back and right in the middle of my thighs. I gave out a small yelp as he squeezed on my thighs. My face instantly heated up into a dark red color.

I decided not to speak another word for I did not wish to have my body squeezed again. As he finished climbing the stairs he turned to the left and made his way down a long hall way, lined with a series of doors. He stopped in front of door and put me down. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Okay. Two things. One, stop giving me that look. I could've left you in the pool. And two, before we enter my room only ask you to stay out of the closet." He states with a stern look.

"Okay asshole. I have two things for you as well. One, why the fuck would I go into your room? For all I know is that you'll make a shady move! And two, why cant I go into the closet? Because you haven't come out yet?" I asked as I handed him a smirk.

He rolled his eyes at me and started to open the door.

"Listen princess, just do what you're-- uh... What that fuck man?" He said out loud with a raised eye brow.

I was looking up at him with a raised eye brow. I quickly turned my head to see what he was looking at. My eyes widened at the sight of my sister removing thorns from a half naked man laying on a desk. I covered my eyes with my hands and quickly turned away. I began to walk away from the room until I felt Jackson wrap his arms around my shoulders and pull me into his chest. Without thinking I tried to push away from him. His grip only tightened on me. I sighed with annoyance and stopped trying.

"Okay... Are we interrupt something here..."

Mafia Matters {Complete}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें