Head Over Heart

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***Madison POV***

As I worked on Jackson's hand I could feel him trying to burn holes in my head. I knew that he was staring at me but I knew that if I looked but I would never finish what I was doing.

"Wow, you're a real big idiot aren't ya?" I asked trying the break the silence.

"Wow, you're real blunt aren't ya?" He mimicked back

I looked up and glared at him as he smirked at me in return. God Damn did he annoy me but I felt so much better when I was around him, and Damn that smirk. He could give that to me any time and I'd do anything he asked.

"Do you want a splinter up your ass?" I asked with an innocent smile.

"Mm, no but I have something that I can stick in you..." He whispered in my ear.

My face heated up and my heart began to race. I have had this said to me before but this time actually affected me. I smiled to myself and giggled softly. I was about to come back with another sexual remark but the mood was quickly killed.

"You would make a Damn fine mother and an even hotter wife ya know?" He whispered to me again.

My heart was still racing but not with happiness, but with anger. A man who only sees a woman as a baby maker and a stay at home wife is an ass. Woman are just as capable as men. I looked him straight in the eyes. He looked at me confused and then terrified. I recoiled my arm back and drove a fist right into his jaw. I watched as he stumbled backwards. He held his jaw and looked at me in shock.

"I'm not a fucking baby maker and I will never be a typical house wife! Understand this now because the next time you tell me that I'd be the 'best mother and wife" be prepared to become one yourself!" I yelled.

I had enough of hearing this shit from my parents since I was ten. Even then I still put up a fight. And that's the way it will stay! I don't care if it's from some who I feel attraction to. It just fuels the fire in me. I turned on my heel and went back to my sweeping. If I hadn't left when I did I would've shoved a piece of wood up his ass!

I picked up a broom and started sweeping once again. I began to think about my past with Richard. Right after we broke up I had a hard time figuring out where we had gone wrong. About two weeks after he was taken away I remembered where he first started to change...

~Flash Back~

We were walking around town. We passed a certain men's store that was advertising for a brand of hair products he really liked. I had told him to stay out side while I popped in for a moment. He agreed to let me do so and placed a kiss on my forehead. I walked in and was probably in there for five minutes before I waited in the long line. As I waited I looked out the window and saw Richard speaking with another woman. Was I mad? No, I thought it was just one of his friends that he knew. Didn't think much of it since he knew a lot of people. As I got up to the cash register I put the products on the table and began to pay for them. I took another glimpse out side and watched as Richard placed a kiss on the girls cheek. Once again, I refused to be the crazy girl friend so I let it go. In some cultures that's how you greet people. I left the store and walked back out to him. I handed him the bag with a huge smile. His reaction was not what I had planned on. He looked at the bag, nodded at it, and continued to walk. I was a little confused but I was so young I thought nothing of it and continued walking with him.

~End of Flash Back~

As the memory played in my mind a steady stream of tears were now flowing down my face. I didn't know how long I stood there crying but I looked up and saw Eli, Jacob, Bobby, and Jackson all surrounding me with worried looks. I wiped my face with my hand trying to get rid of the tears. I looked back up as Jackson walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug. As badly as my brain wanted me to push him away I didn't. My heart was content and so was I. I hugged him back and nuzzled my face in his chest. He rubbed my back for a bit and let me calm down.

"Why don't we get out of here and go to the carnival? All of us. With everything going on I think it would be for the best." Jackson suggested

As badly as I wanted to stay just like this I knew everyone else wanted a break.

"Sure, lets do it. Every one here has been working hard today." I announced with a smile.

I think some actual fun would do me good.

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