Puppy love

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***Chris' POV***

After the little scene that played out back there I decided it was best to just do what Heather says. Like God Damn I love her and all but she's scary as fuck!

"So, whats the game plan? What will we be doing when we get to the shelter?" Heather asked breaking the silence.

Her sudden question scared the shit out of me! I almost ran into a light pole! Lets just hope that she didn't catch that slip up...

"Well they recently got five dogs from the ages of one year to three years old. They need to see how they all interact with humans so that's where we come in. We are literally going to spend the day playing with dogs!" I told her with excitement

"Really! I cant freaking wait! I love dogs so much! Like, dogs are just so much better than people!" She ranted as I pulled into the animal shelter parking lot.

"Well looks like all your waiting is over my lady. We are here!" I announced as I climbed out of the car.

Heather was already out if the car before I was! By the time I shut my door she was already half way to the front door. I loved her enthusiasm. She was just like a child. I will admit it's nice to have some who feels the same way about dogs like I do.

 Growing up I lived a high class life style. I wasn't treated like a boy. I was treated like a doll. I was handled like a doll. I was am accessory to my parent's image. I wasn't aloud to go out side and run. Get dirty. I didn't even have any friends. Any "free time" I had I used it to plan my life. The first moment I had, I was out of there. To keep myself going I had a secret. A secret friend, a four legged friend. His was an abandoned mutt that was simply roaming around the woods that surrounded my house. One day I decided to feed it. From that day on I had trust in another living species.

As I made my way up to the front door and walked in I spotted Heather playing with a two month old husky. The smile on her face was truly something I'd always remembered. She had the most perfect smile ever. Her smile could cure cancer for all I cared.

"Hello Chris. Its good to see you again." The receptionist at the counter said to me.

"Hello Lydia. Its good to see you as well. You said that five dogs were dropped off today right? What can you tell me about them?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.

"Lets see... There are three dogs that are as happy as ever. Slightly under weight. They are in room one. Next we have a dog who is severely underweight and aggressive. We have reasons to believe that he was used as a fighting dog for money. He is in room two. Lastly, there is another dog who is also under weight, he has bald patches on various parts of his body. We are lead to think that he was abused. Since there are no signs of him improving his condition and we are at full capacity, he will be euthanized by the end of the day." Lydia informed me as a frown was forming on her face.

"I see... Well I'm sure I can get the three slightly under weight dogs back to proper weight. The aggressive one I'm sure I can manage. As for the most sickly looking one. I'll have Heather here give him some of his best memories ever." I reassured her with a smile.

"That sounds like an amazing plan. I'm sure that we can get the remaining four into proper homes by the end of this week thanks to you two! Well you have until we close. Good luck!" Lydia wished me with a wink.

I smiled at her and dragged Heather away from the husky she was playing with. As cute as it was, another dog needed her more, plus I wanted her to see what my specialty was. As we made our way to the back I carefully opened a door that had a huge two painted on it. The room was very much like a doctor's office. Plain white walls and cold tile floors. Hunched in the corner of a room was a brown and white pit bull. He had his ears clipped and poorly stitched together. Where his tail should have been was now just a mangled nub. I felt real sympathy for this dog. As I shut the door the dog immediately stood up and began to growl. Showing its decaying yellow teeth. I carefully and slowly pushed Heather behind myself as I whispered softly,

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