Down to Business

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***Jackson's POV***

After about an hour of Madison and Heather fighting with their parents they finally left. Chris and I were honestly kind of scared of the girls. Seeing them get that mad and yell at those levels was defiantly something that would be keeping me up at night for a while. The last that was said was directed towards Madison from her mother,

"If your sister dies in this little game of yours, know you'll be the one to blame for it."

I could sense the heavy tension in the air from all of us, even the dog felt it. I was thinking of ways to clear the silence but was beat to it.

"Call everyone to a meeting upstairs. The time to get ready is now." Madison states flatly as she stormed off.

"I couldn't agree more," Heather said in agreement.

I watched as Heather pulled out her phone and started rapidly typing. After she finished she looked up at Chris and I. Confusion spread across her face.

"Why the hell are you two still here? We're having a meeting that could last hours, you two should go." Heather tells us as she puts her phone back in her pocket.

"Whoa, whoa. I don't think so. This is as much as our battle as it is yours." I speak up, crossing my arms.

"What makes you think that?" Heather scoffs, mimicking my stance.

"Think about it. We were there for the first the call, first threat, first appearance. We were there from the start!" Chris states, stepping up next to me.

"Fine. But we are not responsible for what happens to you two during the war got it?" Heather asked and she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Got it." Chris and I stated together.

"Also, this is Madison and I's fight. You listen to use and don't step out of line. We have no problem injuring you enough to the point you can't fight anymore." Heather threatened as she walked in between us, hitting us with her shoulders.

Chris and I stumbled away from each other and looked down at her as she passed. As she entered the elevator. When we knew we were safe we both exhaled and looked up at each other.

"God damn man, your girl is scary as fuck." I huffed trying to regain my self.

"Small but scary as hell," Chris added as he also struggled to regain his breath.

I chuckled and shook my head. I tilted my head to the elevator signaling that we should get going. Chris caught the message and nodded. As we both entered the elevator one thing kept repeating in my head...

'two guys in a hot tub, five feet apart because they're not gay.'

I swear my head is on crack on the worst times...

The dinging of the elevator pulled me from my crack house thoughts as we reached our floor. As the door separated I saw everyone in a meeting room with a big one next to it. When I say everyone, who I really mean is, Eli, Jacob, Heather, and Madison. I was confused that there wasn't more of the staff here. I walked up to the room and pulled back the glass door so Chris could walk in. After which I followed.

"Why the hell are you two here?" Madison asked shortly.

"God damn, what's with you Magninie sisters being so hostile?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm as I took a seat next to Eli.

"What's with you boys having the brain the size of a goldfish huh? You know damn well that this isn't your fight." Madison said in a flat tone, face never changing once.

"But Heather said we could stay!" Chris complained like a five-year-old as he slid into a seat next to Jacob.

Madison whipped her head to glare at Heather.

"Before you hit me, just know I gave them the usual threat," Heather said quickly.

"Fine, but know one thing here boys, This is not your fight, you're only tagging along. So don't get in the way." Madison states as she glares at us from across the table.

I sank into my chair like a five-year-old getting the 'mom glare'. Just having her look at me like that was going to add to my lack of sleep...

"Now then, as I was saying. We know that Richard is hiding out at the now destroyed carnival. This information was confirmed less than an hour ago." Madison read off the paper.

"So what's stopping us from taking a full army in there. I know we each have one." Chris interrupted.

Heather leaned behind Jacob and smacked the back of his head.

"If it was that simple we would you idiot, but it's a total disaster there. Scrap and building materials are scattered everywhere and we don't know the floor pattern. If Richard has been there for as long as we think, he probably was men scattered everywhere and not for nothing, he knows the floor plan." Heather states.

"Exactly, I couldn't have said it better. So here's the plan, Eli, within the next few hours I want a drone up there taking sky pictures of the park. If it gets spot and or shot down so be it. Just make sure that pictures are being sent every five seconds. Once we have a better understanding of the layout we'll be slightly more prepared. Jacob, you will be in charge of figuring out the best way to get there. I would prefer if we didn't pull up on the main entrance. You'll be going in with us after driving there. Chris and Jackson, you'll be my muscle going in with me. Smaller numbers make for a better team. Eli, your last task will be to keep the car running. If for any reason Jacob doesn't make it back or is injured you will be the driver at this point. Lastly, Heather. You will be in the van with your medical supplies. I have no doubt that someone will end up hurt." Madison states keeping the same flat face.

"Wait! Why am I in the van? I can help too ya know!" Heather shouts, standing up from her chair.

"You're the medic. If you're hurt then we're all screwed." Madison tells her.

"That's some bull shit excuse! You just don't want me out there because "this isn't my fight"! I'm your sister! We do everything together!" Heather cries.

I glanced at Madison and noticed that her face hasn't changed the slightest. This wasn't going to end well...

"That is true, we are, but it's better if you stay in the van for your safety," Madison tells her as she puts an arm on her shoulder.

"I can't believe you! After all, we've been through you still choose to see me as the younger sister?! I'm older than you by a year! You know what, fine. Since you oh so clearly know best I'll sit in the van!" Heather yells as she makes her way to the door.

The last thing she mumbled, loud enough for the whole tension-filled room to hear, before she left was,

"If you get shot I'd let you die."

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