Invitation (Part 2)

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***Chris POV***

It was the one night of the year where hundreds, if not thousands, of mafia bosses could mingle among each other freely. It truly was a rare night. And where did I spend this? Only the best possible place! Right next to the food tables!

I mean sure, its no dark corner with some woman I could be fooling around with but I didn't care. Food is what really made me happy. Not a woman who would sell herself to any man just for a few bucks and a ton of diseases.

I grabbed a plate from the stack and looked over the feast of finger foods. My mouth practically dripping with drool. Then my attention was caught by a mound of eclairs. I smiled like a little kid on Christmas as I grabbed at least 6 eclairs. I quietly made my way down to the other end of the table and began to shovel food into my mouth. First I had only eaten one eclair but my stomached wanted more. So I put the other 5 in. Was it was brightest moment? No. Did I care? No. Should I have done it? No...

As I placed the last one in my mouth I suddenly felt a hand grasp my shoulder which made me gasp slightly. Boy was that a bad idea... I had suddenly launched an eclair down my throat. At that moment I had pictured my tombstone. "Death by eclair". I brought my plate to my mouth and spit out every thing else that wasn't threatening my life. Then I worked on the one lodged into my throat. As soon as I had done so I turned to look over my shoulder and I saw my very close friend Jackson.

"What the he'll man! I could've died!" I exclaimed

"Aye, chill out due. Its not my fault that you eat like a horse and get easily scared." He told me with a chuckle

I rolled my eyes at him. Then I remembered something I had been excited to tell him!

"Yeah, yeah. Sure... Oh dude! Did you hear! The leader of the Scarlet Angels is supposed to make an appearance tonight!" I stated with child like excitement.

"Really? Dude, I don't know who or where you heard that from but I can almost promise you that the man won't show up. His territory is literally half of Middle River and no one had ever seen him in the last 5 years. So get your head out of you ass-" he stopped his rant suddenly.

The whole room had quieted it self as the small sound of a trumpet filled the room followed by an announcement.

"Now introducing, the leaders or the Scarlet Angels, Madison and her sister Heather!" The butler announced by the top of the stairs

"Well I'll be dammed they really did-- wait... Did he just say the the TWO leaders are GIRLS?" Jackson mumbled to me.

"Yeah man. He did..." I informed him with another whisper.

I turned my attention to the two entering woman. God Damn were they attractive! The brunette sister was taller than the strawberry blonde but god Damn was the brunette terrifying! Her face was once that was threatening to kill. While her sister on the other hand... Her face looked as if it could stop wars.

Her elegant strawberry hair flowed and framed her perfectly. Her feminine but toned body was amazingly portrayed in her purple velvet halter top dress. From where I was standing every inch of this woman was perfect! Then I could feel Jackson grabs my hand and pull me through the tension filled crowd. As we made our way to the bottom of the stairs, so did the women.

Now that I suddenly stood in front of a goddess, I began to become very nervous. My forehead began to produce sweat and my palms became very clammy. This amount of discomfort was worth it though. This woman was simply perfect. I was pulled out of my dazed thoughts when I heard a very violent skin to skin contact sound.

I looked at Jackson as his shocked face began to form a red hand mark on his cheek. I suck a glance at the brunette and what I saw was enough to make sure I don't sleep for a while. Her eyes were darker than before as they attempted to obliterate Jackson. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I waited to see what would happen next.

"You sir, are one sad excuse for a man! We are not 'representing' our boss! We are the boss! And you sir need to get your fucking head out of your ass before I shove my foot up there!" She yells as she grabs her sister by her hand.

I moved to the side so I didn't have the chance to be killed in the cross fire. As I moved to the side, the rest of the guests did as well. As the sisters made their way over to the food table, everything settled down and a chatter arose from everyone, filling the room once again.

I glanced at Jackson for the poor guy couldn't even touch his own face.

"God Damn... That bitch is Fucking crazy Chris... No wonder the Scarlet Angels are so feared... The look she gave me could very well have killed me!" He stated.

"To be straight with you man... You kinda deserved that... The announcer-guy literally said that they were the bosses... They weren't representing any one but their own Mafia. Why do you think everyone stopped talking? Because of how hot the red head is?" I asked with a chuckle

I watched as Jackson rolled his eyes at me and glances at his watch. He sighed softly as he tried to regain for of his pride back since he had an announcement to make.

"The first game will begin in 10 minutes! Men, grab your guns and meet me out back!"

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