Getting Involved

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***Heather POV***

I was rudely awakened by the ringing of my cell phone. I groaned as I sat up and searched around for it. I had found it inside of my shoes that were neatly placed on the floor. I swiped the green phone icon across my screen then put it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Hey short cake. I need to ask a favor of you." Chris states

"Uh, okay... What do you need?" I asked then yawned.

"I need you to go to my office and treat a young woman who was harshly abused last night okay?" Chris asked.

"Wait what? Who's this young woman? What happened to her last night? Where is she hu--" I was rudely interrupted.

"Heather. I don't really have time for this right now. I'm in the middle of something. If you can go down there I'll take you out to the carnival okay?" He asked as a screeching sound was heard.

"Okay, I'll do it. Be careful okay? I-I... I love you." I choked before I quickly hung up.

I couldn't believe how fast my heart was beating. I've said those words before but it was never that hard to choke out. I brought a hand to my cheek and felt how hot they had become. I sighed happily but suddenly remembered something. I would have to explain myself to him! 

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair.

How was I supposed to explain my actions to him when I cant even explain them to myself! I started to pull my hair back and tied a hair band around it. As cooling as it was to have my hair off my neck I couldn't have felt hotter. I lifted my still tired body off of the couch and sluggishly made my way down the stairs since the elevator was out of service. When I finally reached my room I went straight to my bath room to freshen up and remove the make up of last night.

"Oh thank God, I don't look like a hooker any more." I sighed to my self.

I changed out of my dress and into a black shirt under a flannel and into shorts with leggings under them. I cant begin to tell you just how much I love flannels! They looked good with every thing! I grabbed my medical bag. Wallet. And phone. I continued my way further down the stairs.

By the time I had officially made it down stairs it was awfully quiet. I walked around to the other side and saw Jackson holding his jaw as Madison looked at if she would kill him. She would too. I didn't really have time to deal with this so I kept walking through the lobby until I made my way outside to my car. I climbed in and started the engine. In a few short moments I was pulling away from the building and was heading down town. 

In less than forty minutes I had reached a rather nice looking building. There wasn't a company name on it but you'd have to be real dumb to not know what this place is. With my medical bag in hand I pulled myself from the car and made my way inside. Inside was very clean and organized, not what I was expecting at all. I walked up to the front counter where a short, slightly plump woman sat. She looked up at me and smiled. 

"Hello miss. You must be the doctor Mr.Chris asked for correct?" She asked in a tone that was laced with sugar.

"Indeed I am. Where would I find this woman?" I asked with a smile.

"If you walk just past my desk she will be the door on the right with the number two on it." She tells me with a smile.

"Okay. Thank you ma'am." I tell her as I make my way down there.

I walked down to the instructed door and opened it carefully. The room was decently sized with a medical table, a couch, and a few storage places. On the medical table sat a very young woman, no older than eight teen maybe. As I entered she looked at me and smiled weakly. I had seen that smile before but just could place it. I shut the door behind me.

"Hello, I'm doctor Heather. I was called here to take a look at your wounds." I told her as I set my bag down.

"Hello. I'm sorry to make you come all the way down here..." She apologized softly.

"It's no trouble at all love. Its my job after all." I told her as I walked up to her.

"Now how about we get this blanket off of you?" I asked as I softly pulled at the blanket.

She sighed softly and nodded. She slowly began to pull back the blanket and what I saw was horrifying. All over her arms were a few cuts, mostly bruises. On her wrists there were restraint marks deeply impressed into her skin. Her legs didn't ease me at all, her legs were covered in large cuts. All the way up her thighs and down to her calves. I remember where I first saw this smile. I first saw this on Madison. Once where were living with our parents and once right after Richard was taken away. I sighed softly and began to clean her wounds. I guess I saw this as a redemption per say. Madison wouldn't let me help her in any way I guess that this was a good way to clear my conscience.

In thirty minutes or so I had finished cleaning the cuts and wrapping them tightly. I did the same for her arms and put bandages on them. As for all her bruising. There was nothing I could do. They would have to heal on their own. I began to pack up my things in hope of leaving before Chris came back, but as fate had it, that wasn't an option. 

"Oh, hello Mr.Chris." The young woman on the table said. 

I didn't dare turn around since I could feel his stare on me and the smirk in his voice.

"Hello Mel. Glad to see you're doing better thanks to the help of Dr.Heather." he said.

"Thank you! Well I should be on my way then. I can feel sexual tension in this room..." She announced as she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

My face instantly heated up. Sexual tension?! Bitch where?! If there's any tension it's awkward tension! I continued to pack up my bag in hopes that he wouldn't talk to me just yet. I was still holding onto hope that he either forgot what I said or he didn't hear it! Damn was I holding onto false hope all this time.

"I love you too."

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