Booming Entrance

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***Madison P.O.V.***

"Does that beeping sound familiar to you Princesa?" I heard him ask me.

My heart sank into my gut as I heard the all too familiar Hispanic voice. I dropped my phone immediately and took off running down the stairs. I knew exactly where the bombs had been planted. The ground level lobby. There's was no way he had time to even reach the second story. On my way down I ran into Eli. He was a tall African-American man with long dreads reaching his mid back. He stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulders.

"We have a problem Mads." He told me out of breathe

Mads was a nick name that sort of just popped out of no where. No one knew who started it or even where it came from but I liked it. So it just stuck around.

"I know we do Eli. We need to clear out the lobby! Call Bobby and Jacob and have them evacuate now!" I huffed as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Already done. The next step in the process is to get you and your sister out of here! It's a mess down stairs with broken glass everywhere and debris scattered in dangerous points." Eli informed me as he attempted to grab my hand.

"Eli! I am not a little kid any more! The monster down stairs is my responsibility! If you want to protect someone then get your self out of here!" I snapped at him as I pulled my hand away and continued running down to the broken lobby.

When I reached the ground level the whole place was destroyed. Furniture was broken and ablaze. Food splattered to the walls. Glass littered the polished floor. Dust covered the whole room making it hard to see any thing beyond three feet in front of you. I couldn't believe that he did this. I guess only two years in jail is enough time for you to plan total destruction on a mafia. 

I squinted into the smoke and dust of the room, trying to see if I could spot him. I began to walk further into the mess as glass crunched underneath my shoes. I was starting to mentally curse my self for not being prepared for this kind of thing. I knew that he was out there. I knew that he would becoming for us at some point. What do I do about it? I throw a New Year's party and put at least a hundred other people in danger. I couldn't believe that I was becoming so careless. If I had to make a guess why, I would have to guess it was because of Jackson. As much as I hated to admit it, He's allowing me to feel normal. He makes me feel like I'm not in any danger. He makes me feel free. That's not good. Since he made me so happy I put more lives in danger. I'm putting him in danger with something he has no idea about... That's not fair to him. I couldn't let my mind continue to be hazed like this. 

"Hace tiempo que no veo a la princesa, me extrañaste?" A voice asked from behind me.

(^long time no see princess, did you miss me?)

I knew it was him. There was no one else I knew that spoke like that to me. I quickly turned around and saw a very faint out line of him in the dusted air.

"No me llames princesa. Y no. ¡No te extrañé! ¿Cómo podría cuando intentaste venderme para traficar?" I spat back at him in Spanish.( Don't call me princess. And no. I didn't miss you! How could I when you tried to sell me into trafficking?)

I decided to take up Spanish lessons when we first got together. I thought it be cute if we could talk to each other in Spanish. For a while it was, but now it was tense.

"¿Por qué debes guardar rencor? Eso fue hace más de dos años amor. Además, solo lo hice para protegerte de estar en esta mafia." He said to me in a soft voice as he got closer.

(^Why must you hold grudges? That was over two years ago love. Plus I only did it to protect you from being in this Mafia.)

As he got closer I stood my ground. I wasn't going to go down with out a fight. Once he got with in three feet of me I could see him perfectly. His face was lined with facial hair around his jaw, on his chin, and on his upper lip. His wavy brown hair had fallen around his face and stopped just above his shoulders. Even in the dust I could still see his brown eyes looking me up and down like I was still his. 

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