Parents (Part 2)

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***Madison POV***

There they were. The people who are legally our parents. My father is a very happy man. He always looks at the brighter side of things. He was humorous and kind, but he was also a push over. Which is what mother saw in him. My mother is not a very happy person. Everything had to be just so with her. She was a very stiff person who was going to voice her opinions whether you wanted to hear them or not. My father is firmly under her control. For example, when we had arguments father would always take mother's side but when the fight was over, he would tell you that he was on your side. I never once had any hate to the old man, only sympathy. My mother didn't deserve a man as sweet as my father, nevertheless, he claimed he was happy.

"I thought I said you were not aloud on--" I began to say.

"Nice to see you to Madison." My mother said coldly.

"Like wise." I snapped.

"There's my little ragazza (Girl)" my father bellowed as he walked to me.

My mood softened slightly as I opened my arms for my father. When he wrapped his arms around I couldn't be happier. I've missed him so much. I turned my head and saw Heather standing behind the couch with her hand over her mouth in complete shock.

"Papa, don't forget you have another child." I whispered in his ear.

"Oh yes I do! Wheres my fiore? (flower)" he asked in excitement.

I softly grabbed his shoulders and turned him to see Heather. The old man didn't even have time to open his arms before Heather already had her self wrapped around. Clinging to him as if he would turn to dust ((Marvel reference😈))

"Oh papa... I've missed you so much..." Heather mumbled to him.

"I've missed you too my fiore." He whispered back to Heather.

"How is the witch treating you?" Heather whispered back to him.

"Oh you know, feeding me stuff that is barely edible, and keeping me locked up. Nothing new." He joked with a chuckle.

I chuckled slightly with him. He just made the perfect description of mother. I took a glance at her and she still stood firmly in her place with her arms crossed over her chest. Now that I've made eye contact with her there's no avoiding her. I turned my body to look at her with a mimicked pose.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"To see you." She says.

"For what reason. Its been years since we left home and all of a sudden you just turn up out of the blue! I know Damn well that you're not here for a "family reunion"!" I yelled.

This woman never "just comes for a visit". Shes either here to give her opinions or bare bad news. Either one was not wanted at this time.

"There's been talk of you and your sister on the news so we are here to take her home where she will be safe." She answered in a cold bitter tone.

"Heather is safe here! And shes happy!" I yelled.

"Or so she thinks. You have to understand something Madison. Heather is only staying around to keep an eye on you. Why? Only god knows, but what I know is that you are holding her back. She has so much potential and yet, she chooses to stay with you." She stated coldly.

My heart instantly hardened and sunk. She was right... Heather could be an amazing doctor but yet she chooses to stay here as a medic for a small mafia. She is so smart and kind, She could do better.

"Not to mention it seems like you put your self in quite a lot of danger." She add as she points to my exposed skin.

It was true, I was covered in bruises and cuts. 

"And not to mention you cant seem to find your self the proper man. Just like before no on will ever--" she was cut off.

With tears threatening to fall from my eyes I felt a hand glide across the small of my back and to the side of my waist. The grip tightened slightly as it pulled me to a harder surface. I looked up and saw Jackson looking at my mother. He had one of the angriest looks I had even seen.

"Honey? Is everything okay?" Jackson asked with a soft tone.

He turned his attention down to my height and his expression could not have been softer.

"Excuse me mister? But who do you think you are?" My mother asked.

"Hm? Oh, guess I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Jackson and I am Madison's boyfriend." He tells her with a forced smile.

I looked up at Jackson with a very confused look. We weren't dating! But if we were... NO now is not the time!

"Oh really? Then why don't you prove it? I find it HIGHLY unlikely that my daughter could ever find someone to be romantically involved with." She states coldly.

"It would be an honor." Jackson tells her as he looks back down at me.

He turned me to face him. With now both of his hands on my hips he pulled me closer to him making me arch the small of my back some. For fear that I might tip over I grabbed on to Jackson's fore arms. For some odd reason I didn't fight this. Deep down I guess I wanted this. I wanted this to shut up my mother. As I watched him lean in he whispered in my ear,

"Please don't hurt me."

Before I could whisper any thing back his lips were already on mine. Some thing ignited in my core, some thing that I hadn't felt in a while. I quickly closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Very slowly I brought my hands to his hair and gave it a firm tug. As a smirk spread across my face he disconnected him self from my lips and looked down at me with a grin. I giggled softly at the little stunt I pulled.

"Don't start some thing that you cant finish princessa~" Jackson whispered in my ear making me turn dark red.

I turned to look at my mother who stood there with a gaping fish. Seeing her speechless for once was the best thing I could ever ask for! I was about to open my mouth to throw an insult her way but was cut off when Heather yelled,


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