Chapter 1

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Yaaay I started a new fanfic called "Nialls secret sister" I hope you all enjoy it! 


This fanfic will have sexual contact and will invole use of illegal substances. It is NOT recommended to be done, its just part of the story and I hope you guys will enjoy this and give this book a chace! 

Please leave some feedback and dont be shy! I promise you this book wont be dissappointing! So heres chapter 1!

Allison’s POV

“Mom I cannot believe you. How could you do that to me, I’m your daughter!”I yelled furiously to my mum.

Well before I tell you anything, let me introduce myself. My name is Allison Horan. Well I’m not allowed to tell people that. My legal name is Allison Horan but publically I am Allison Sherly.

I am to be known by my mother’s last name because my father see’s me as a reminder of one of his biggest mistakes.

You see, my half brother is Niall Horan, and I love him. He means a lot to me but we were forced apart. That is because I was his dads little mistake. So yes 18 and years ago our dad and Niall’s mom got in a fight, and he cheated, with my crazy junkie American mom.

But my birth dad isn’t a monster, he told his wife that he cheated right away and she was heartbroken and almost divorced him, and when my mother told him that she was pregnant he was devastated. I only met my dad about 3 times. Once when I was 2, once when I was 11 and once when I was 14.  At the same time, those were the times I had met Niall. He was the best brother I could ask for. Even though he wasn’t aloud to keep in touch with me he did anyways. He used to call me every day but I had to stop it for the sake of both of us.

I knew that if our dad found out, he would make sure Niall and I lost contact completely. So now I call him twice every two months. He knows that it’s difficult for the both of us but he said even though our father did his best to forget about me, he wouldn’t. And he stuck to that and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.

I was to be kept as a secret to the media and the entire world. I consider myself Niall’s secret sister, because that’s what I am.

The reason I wasn’t accepted into the Horan family is because I am a replica of my mom. Well a younger version.

I have long blonde hair and I’m tall-ish, I’m about 5’7. I have bright blue eyes similar to Niall’s. I guess you could say that I had the looks of an average “hot blonde” but trust me I have my flaws and I’m about to tell you them.

I’m involved with things I don’t want to be involved with. My mom forced me in them and I can honestly say that it had made my life a life I never want to live.

I’m involved with drugs, sex and gangs, all thanks to my mom. Niall doesn’t know any of this, and I want to keep it that way. I don’t need him to feel bad for me or feel as though he wasn’t there; I want to keep it bottled up in my head until I die. I can live without him knowing this little piece of my life. If I had a choice in this I wouldn’t have dropped out of high school in grade 10 to work at McDonalds so I can buy any possible drug available. Heck I don’t even buy them, my mom takes my limited about of cash and wastes them on illegal substances.

But I can’t put the blame all on her. I would also have to blame her boyfriend Shawn. He has her under a spell. He is a drug dealer, the best known one in this small town. That’s how he pays the bills for the apartment and the money I make is to buy drugs that he doesn’t supply. He makes me help around in the so called “family business” which involves me risking my life every day to deliver drugs and get money for him.

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