Bumble Bee Socks

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-Friday Night-
"You got this Castiel. You're going to do just fine!" I whisper to myself as I stand in front of the door to the house Gabe gave me the address to... 666 Gay St.
Its a lot... bigger than I expected. I mean not as big as a mansion, but more like a little cottage, you'd find in the middle of the countryside. My guess is that its about three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

The outside is a tan color with a dark brown roof and white highlights. The yard is decently sized, but pretty bare except a tree with a tire swing hanging from the front. There a fence around the back of the house.

I turn around to look back at the driveway where an old black car sits next to my gold Continental. I'm not sure what it is, but it's hella nice. I lift my hand to knock on the door but pause wondering if I really want to do this. 'What if this person murders me and wears my skin for warmth... what the fuck Castiel? It's Sam's brother, how bad can he be?'

"Fuck it," I whisper, "At least I won't have to pay for college." My fist taps against the door and I take a step back. I take a deep breath and look around the front porch. After a few minutes, I knock again. After another few moments, I reach for my phone to call Gabe. My fingers grasp around the phone just as the door swings open.

I look up and see him looking at me with, dare I say it, fan-fiction green eyes. His hair is a few shades lighter than Sam's and a lot shorter.

"Hello..." I say sticking my hand out for him to shake it, but he just stands and looks me over.

"Huh, you look nothing like your brother... you're actually kinda cute," he grins motioning for me to come inside. 'Oh, Cas why did you let Gabe talk you into his...' I step inside slowly watching for any sign that he might kill me. He steps away to close the door behind me. He then returns to his spot in front of me and continues to look me over.

I stand there awkwardly looking around the inside of his house. Immediately I notice the huge collection of vinyl discs covering the wall in his living room to the right of the entrance. I look around for a record player and find it sitting along the far wall. The two couches are a black leather facing a tv hanging on the opposite wall. Huge, curtained windows light the room showing off the various trophies and awards hanging over the tv.

From the doorway, I can see straight into the kitchen through an arched doorway. A wooden staircase a little to the left with an indented clothing place for shoes and coats. Aloft hallway overhangs the living room with a tall ceiling.

"So what's your name... or do I just call you Mr. Novak?" Sam's brother says from behind me.

"Castiel is fine," I respond turning to look back at him. It's then that I notice that his hand is outstretched and he's looking at my coat. "Oh, uh here." I slide it off my arms and hand it to him. He smiles and turns to hang it on the coat rack next to the door beside a worn leather jacket that I assume is his own. "Do you want me to take off my shoes?"

"If you don't mind," he answers. I nod and lean against the wall as I untie my shoes and set them next to the door.

"Nice socks," the boy chuckles. My face grows hot when I look down and see that I'm wearing my bee socks that Lucifer got me last year for Christmas.

"Oh, uh thanks..." I mutter crossing my arms over my chest. "So, um what's your name?"

"Huh, that's the first time anyone's asked that in a while," he admits looking a little confused, but it soon disappears. "It's Dean. Dean Winchester, but I'm sure Sam already filled you in."

"Not really. Gabriel just told me about his a few hours ago and I figured that it was my best shot at finding a place to stay," I tell him as he starts to show me around.

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