Big Wallet, Small Man

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-Thursday (About a Month Later)- Two Days Until Rally

Bee lays comfortably in the crook of my legs as I continue studying for my upcoming test. It's been nearly a month since we adopted Bee and I can honestly say, she is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I say that mostly because she favors me over Dean even though he feeds her table scraps and plays tug-a-war while I fill out a practice test for my next online test. Life almost seems perfect and for once, I'm not caught in the past. I can finally hope for the future.

There are actually two days until the pride rally, not counting today, and Dean has been practically beaming from the moment that I agree to go. It's only a 40-minute drive from Lawerence to Kansas City, so I won't have to deal with the car thing for very long, but Dean has already suggested multiple times that I would be driving. Despite Bee being trained for situations like this, I decided that it would probably be best if we left her with Sam and Gabe while we were gone. It wouldn't be more than three days, but she hasn't left my side since we brought her home and I'm kinda sad to part with her.

Although I'm anxious for the rally, I'm also so excited. Dean has told me about how this parade is going to be different than most seeing as it's kind of a two-day convention and parade. There were going to be celebrity LGBTQ+ supports and members set up inside a huge hall where fans could meet and get things signed. After announcing our plans to go to the celebration, the group who organized the parade had emailed Dean and asked if we wanted our own booth. He, of course, agreed and also asked if we could get a place for a photographer as well.

"Cas, when are we going to go find clothes for Saturday? I don't exactly have anything for this?" Dean asks, plopping down on the couch next to Bee earning a disapproving glance from her as she readjusts herself to fit between us.

"Oh god, I don't even know. What are we even supposed to wear for this?" I question, knowing fully that Dean probably doesn't know either. He shrugs and turns on the tv to watch his ghost show.

"Depends I guess. Do we want to go all out or just casual?"

"Dean, when were we even known to not go all out? In the last video I was in, you wore a tutu and crown for the entire time we were talking about our favorite Disney movies," I retort, a smile landing on my face.

"I guess that's true. But I meant, like matching? Or like boyfriend tees? Or what cause I got like no idea what you want or what we're comfortable with," he says stroking Bee, trying to make up for making her move.

"Do you want to go to the mall or something? I mean, it's kinda too late to order anything online and the only thing I have to wear is my I'm A Magical Homosexuwhale shirt, but I'll have to dig it out from the bottom of my dresser. I haven't worn that since the first time I spent the night here," I cringe, just thinking of how awkward the exchange was.

"Awh yes. The moment I knew that I could commence the flirting," he chuckles pulling out his phone to check social media.

"May I remind you, that you were already flirting before then," I respond in a condescending tone.

He shrugs, not looking up from his phone, "My gay-dar might not be very strong, but it was off the wall with you." Although he tries to hide it, I can still see the smile spreading across his face. Then he goes on to ignore everything that he just said. "Hey, did you see all the tags we've gotten of people showing their tickets and outfits for Saturday and Sunday. This parade might be even bigger than Coachella!"

"Dean, if this is going to be the new Coachella, I don't want to go," I joke waiting for an offended response.

He sighs, "Yeah. I went one year and let's just say I saw way too many asses than what I needed. I'm okay with this being, hopefully, PG13."

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